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Case Studies On Measures Taken by Industries & SMEs to Mitigate Shortage & Rising Cost of Labor

kccci seminarCase Studies On Measures Taken by Industries & SMEs to Mitigate Shortage & Rising Cost of Labor

Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industries (KCCCI) is organizing a Roundtable Discussion on "Case Studies On Measures Taken by Industries & SMEs to Mitigate Shortage & Rising Cost of Labor". There will be a few presentations by some experienced business leaders followed by general discussions. 



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Taiwan Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2014 Entrepreneurship Programme on Management from 7th to 18th July 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. 
Participants should be those in middle management, manager, or successor of a company with at least 3 years managerial experience, aged between 25-60 years old and well versed in Mandarin.  Only 1 participant from each family or each company will be acceptable.
OCAC will pay for meals (except for 13th July 2014), courses fee, administrative fee, transportation during the mission and insurance.  Participants need to pay for their return air fare to Taiwan, accommodation and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachment for details, itinerary and registration form.
Interested members are kindly requested to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 25th April 2014 to facilitate arrangement.  Late submissions or incomplete information will not be entertained.



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i)            向出席的国内外商家展销他们的产品、服务及技术;
ii)           与其他中小企业、跨国公司及大企业交换最新的工艺及创新技术和想法;
iii)          参与一对一的商机配对环节;
iv)          取得最新的商业发展趋势及政府政策走向
The SME Corporation Malaysia is organising the SMIDEX 2014 from 4-6 June 2014 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
This is the 17th year that SME Corp. Malaysia organising this annual showcase, exhibitors from both domestic and international markets would be able to:
i)              Showcase their capabilities and capacities in producing products, services and technologies for both local and international markets;
ii)           Exchange of information and ideas on  technology and innovation with other SMEs, MNCs and large companies;
iii)         Participate in the one-to-one Business Matching Session; and
iv)         Acquire latest information to business trend and latest Government direction and policies.
Please log on to SMIDEX’s website (www.smidex.my) for details.  Constituent Chambers are requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation.


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侨委会将承担参加者在台活动期间的膳宿 (参观会展活动当日午餐自理)、团体交通、活动参访及保险等。参加者须自行承担往返台湾交通费及其他个人费用。
Taiwan Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2014 Entrepreneur Trade Mission of Muslim Market from 22nd to 26th June 2014 in Taiwan. 
Eligible participants are 25 years old and above, well versed in Mandarin and with sales and marketing experience for Muslim market.  Each company can only send 1 participant.
OCAC will pay for accommodation, meals and transportation during the mission and insurance.  Participants need to pay for their return air fare to Taiwan, and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachment for details and registration form.
Interested members are kindly requested to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 18th April 2014 to facilitate arrangement.  Late submissions or incomplete information will not be entertained.


为中小企业提供的设施 -- 信贷担保机构及马来亚银行讲解会

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马来西亚中华总商会 (中总) 将在2014年4月12日 (星期六) 上午9时30分至中午12时,于本会研讨室举办上述讲解会。
这项讲解会由信贷担保机构 (CGC) 及马来亚银行联办,媒介语是华语。CGC和马来亚银行将分别为参加者讲解他们如何协助中小企业取得融资,以及为中小企业提供的网上银行及电子付费系统。除了讲解及现场问答外,参加者也可现场申请有关设施。CGC及马来亚银行会委派工作人员现场解答各有关提问,及处理相关申请。
有兴趣参加者,请在最迟2014年4月4日将填妥的报名表格传真/ 电邮至中总秘书处。有关询问,请联系本会秘书处林丽珊小姐或黄秀华女士。
ACCCIM is organising the above briefing session on 12th April 2014 (Saturday) at ACCCIM Seminar Room from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
The briefing session will be co-organising by Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) and Maybank Berhad (MBB).  Medium of language is Mandarin.  CGC and MBB will brief participants on financing, E-payment and internet banking for SMEs.  Participants can apply to these facilities on the spot as CGC and MBB will assign staffs to handle enquiries and applications.
Registration fee is RM20 per participant.  Refreshment will be served.  To ensure sufficient time for participants for Q & A session and application, number of participants is limited to 30 persons only.  Registration will be on first-come-first-served basis.
Interested members are kindly requested to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat latest by 4th April 2014


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为促进中国四川省和马来西亚企业间的经贸交流与合作,中国四川省贸促会王幼平副会长, 四川省农业厅牟锦毅副厅长和成都市贸促会刘红钢副会长将带领四川省50多家大型企业主要负责人首次赴马考察,并定于4月14日(星期一)上午9时30分吉隆坡成功时代广场酒店14楼宴会厅 (Berjaya Times Square Hotel Ballroom) 举办“2014中国四川-马来西亚经贸合作洽谈会”。

Download this file (Form & I.L-Chinese.doc)Form & I.L-Chinese.doc[ ]289 Kb
Download this file (Form & I.L-English.doc)Form & I.L-English.doc[ ]285 Kb

KCCCI Trade and Investment mission to Phnom Penh & Siem Reap

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We are pleased to inform that the Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) will be organising a Trade and Investment Mission to Phnom Penh & Siem Reap,Cambodia from 8~11th May 2014.

All members of KCCCI are encouraged to participate in this mission. The participation cost for the trade mission is as below:

台湾侨务委员会“2014 年餐馆经营研习班”

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台湾侨务委员会“ 2014 年餐馆经营研习班”( 28-4-2014 ~ 9-5-2014)
Taiwan Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission's 2014 Entrepreneur Programme on Management of Restaurant
顷接马来西亚中华总商会(中总)来函告知,台湾侨务委员会将于 2014年 4月 28日至 5月 9日举办上述研习班,提升商家餐馆经营能力及协助侨商创业转型,并促进业者交流。课程由台湾高雄餐旅大学承办,并邀请台湾专家业者讲授餐馆经营专业课题,同时观摩参访知名餐厅及相关厂商。
- 现任餐馆经营者或计划转型经营餐馆之商家(每间公司限定一人)。
- 年龄必须在 25岁至 65岁。
- 通晓中文。
欢迎诸位踊跃参加上述研习班。有兴趣者请在 2014年 3月 15日之前,将填妥之报名表格提呈中总秘书处,以作处理。逾期呈交、资料不符或不齐全者恕不处理。若有任何询问,请联络中总秘书处。电话:03-4260 3090;传真:03-4260 3080;电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
 We are pleased to inform that Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission of Taiwan will be organizing the above Programme from 28th April to 9th May 2014.
 Kindly refer the attachment for further action. Members who are interested to attend the above may reply to ACCCIM’s Secretariat by 15th March 2014 (Saturday) to facilitate arrangement.
 For further enquiries, please contact ACCCIM’s Secretariat at Tel: 03-4260 3090; Fax: 03-4260 3080; E-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


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MATRADE is pleased to inform that we will be organizing Showcase Malaysia and Malaysia Services Exhibition (MSE 2014) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 10-12 June 2014. This will be the 5th Showcase Malaysia organized by MATRADE in Cambodia. Showcase Malaysia will feature the Malaysian product sector, while the MSE will highlight the capabilities and expertise of Malaysian service providers.
2. The objectives of the event are:
i.To introduce and promote Malaysian products and services in the Cambodian market;
ii.To provide a platform for Malaysian exporters to find agents/distributors and importers; and
iii.To assess the local market and to familiarize with the local trade regulations.
3. Trade has been driving the pace of the Cambodian economic growth with total trade amounted to US$16 billion in 2013, increased by 41.6 per cent in 2012. In 2012, Cambodia’s total trade amounted to US$11.3 billion, up from US$9.8 billion in 2011 and US$8.4 billion in 2010. Malaysia’s bilateral trade with Cambodia recorded an increase of 13.8 % to US$429.54 million in 2013.
4. The main areas of interests for Malaysian products and services in the Cambodian market are industrial products, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), healthcare/medical products, electric and electronic products, building materials, machinery, chemicals and services such as construction & related services, education, business services, franchise, healthcare services, logistics and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO).
5. We are pleased to invite your organisation to participate in the event. Participation fee is RM 8,000.00 for a 9m2 booth. Payment can be made by cheque payable to “MATRADE” or via online at Maybank2u.com.
E-payment code for the event is:
Showcase Malaysia        TF140648
MSE 2014                        TF140634   
To register, please log on to the following link:
Other travel expenses such as airfare and hotel, as well as the delivery / return of samples are to be borne individually. The event programme and general information are enclosed, for your reference.
6. Closing date for participation is on 24th March 2014 (Monday). For more information on the exhibition, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat as follows:
Showcase Malaysia
Ms. Ng Mei Mei                         该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 / 03-6207 7229
Ms. Hasnita Mohd Hassan       该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 / 03-6207 7742