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为中小企业提供的设施 -- 信贷担保机构及马来亚银行讲解会

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kccci seminar 350

马来西亚中华总商会 (中总) 将在2014年4月12日 (星期六) 上午9时30分至中午12时,于本会研讨室举办上述讲解会。
这项讲解会由信贷担保机构 (CGC) 及马来亚银行联办,媒介语是华语。CGC和马来亚银行将分别为参加者讲解他们如何协助中小企业取得融资,以及为中小企业提供的网上银行及电子付费系统。除了讲解及现场问答外,参加者也可现场申请有关设施。CGC及马来亚银行会委派工作人员现场解答各有关提问,及处理相关申请。
有兴趣参加者,请在最迟2014年4月4日将填妥的报名表格传真/ 电邮至中总秘书处。有关询问,请联系本会秘书处林丽珊小姐或黄秀华女士。
ACCCIM is organising the above briefing session on 12th April 2014 (Saturday) at ACCCIM Seminar Room from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
The briefing session will be co-organising by Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) and Maybank Berhad (MBB).  Medium of language is Mandarin.  CGC and MBB will brief participants on financing, E-payment and internet banking for SMEs.  Participants can apply to these facilities on the spot as CGC and MBB will assign staffs to handle enquiries and applications.
Registration fee is RM20 per participant.  Refreshment will be served.  To ensure sufficient time for participants for Q & A session and application, number of participants is limited to 30 persons only.  Registration will be on first-come-first-served basis.
Interested members are kindly requested to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat latest by 4th April 2014