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Back 商会服务 Services 商会服务 中学助学金细则 SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND


kccci scholarship 350

01 名称 :巴生中华总商会中学助学金

02 宗旨 :辅助家境清寒且品学兼优的学生完成中学学业.
Objective :To provide financial assistance to the needy student, with good academic result and behavior to complete their secondary education.

03 申请手续 :Procedure
(i) 中学助学金仅限于巴生四独中的在籍学生申请,有意申请者请向学校校长索取申请表格。
All Secondary school bursaries are only available to students who are currently enrolled in the Klang Independent High School. Applicants should obtain the application form from the school principal.

(ii) 申请人须填写表格,并附上照片一张(护照尺寸)、身份证复印本、学校成绩等。
Completed application form must enclosed with a passport size photo, photocopy of identity card and copy of school result.

(iii) 每位成功申请者将获得每年 RM800的资助金。所有申请者必须由各自学校推荐。
Each student will receive a subsidy of RM800 per year and recommended by their respective school.

(iv) 本会教育组遴选委员会的决定将是最后的决定,申请者不能有任何的异议
Any decision taken by KCCCI Education Sub-Committee shall the final and binding. Any appeal from the applicants will not be entertained. 

04 助学金金额 :凡成功申请的中学生可获得一次性800令吉的助学金
Amount of Bursary: ​​ Successful candidate will be awarded RM800 per annum.

05 申请日期 : 从7月29日至8月21日 (中午12时正前) 
Date of Application : 29/7/2021  to  21/8/2021 (before 12pm)

06 取消助学金 :就读期间,若有犯罪或违反校规被校方开除、修读 科目成绩不及格、中途辍学、神经失常、发现申请表格所填报之资料有不正确或未能如期毕业者,将停止 其助学金
Cancellation : If the holder of the education fund is dismissed by the elevant university/college due to the violation of rules, involvement of criminal activities, failing in the course, termination of course before graduation, mental disorder, discovery of fraudulent information given in the application form or unable to complete the course in time, the education fund will be withdrawn.