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侨务委员会 - 2015年餐馆经营研习班

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Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission’s 2015 Restaurant Management Programme
Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2015 Restaurant Management Programme from 27th April to 8th May 2015 at the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan with the objectives to improve restaurant management skills, explore new business opportunity and strengthen competitiveness between overseas businesses and Taiwanese businesses in hospitality industry. Programmes include professional seminar on restaurant management skills and visit to restaurants and related factories.
Participants should be person in charge of restaurant, or those who wish to start up a restaurant, aged between 25-65 years old and well versed in Mandarin.  Each company can only send 1 participant.
OCAC will pay for accommodation, meals, course fee and administrative charges during the programme.  Participants need to pay for their return air fare, and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachments for itinerary and registration form.
Interested members kindly return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 25th February 2015 to facilitate arrangement.  Submissions without complete information and/ or late submission will not be attended. 
Download this file (OCAC_2015_ResManagementProg.zip)OCAC_2015_ResManagementProg.zip[ ]1410 Kb

农历新年休假 Chinese New Year Holiday

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Chinese New Year Holiday
     2015年2月18日(星期三)  -   除夕(特别假期)
     2015年2月19日(星期四)  -   农历年初一(新年假期)
     2015年2月20日(星期五)  -   农历年初二(新年假期)
     2015年2月21日(星期六)  -   农历年初三(休假)
新年进步   事事如意
We  are  pleased  to  inform  that  the  KCCCI  Secretariat  will  be  closed  for Chinese New Year (CNY) Holiday on the following dates :
  18-02-2015 (Wednesday) -   Chinese New Year Eve (Special Holiday)                          
  19-02-2015 (Thursday)     -   1st  Day of CNY  (CNY Holiday)
   20-02-2015 (Friday)          -   2nd  Day of CNY (CNY Holiday)                            
   21-02-2015 (Saturday)     -   Off Day
The KCCCI Secretariat will operate as usual on 23rd February 2015(Monday). 
We would like to wish you a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year.
Thank you.


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Bank Negara Malaysia Special Relief Facility for Businesses
国家银行将通过信贷担保机构提供60%的担保,申请者无需提供任何抵押。只要有关中小企业来自首相署国家安全理事会鉴定的受灾地点,就可以年利率最高2.25% 申请每家公司最高50万令吉的贷款,融资期限为5年,宽限期为6个月。
申请截止日期为2015年6月30日,或有关基金发放完毕(视何者为先)。有关询问,请联系各相关银行,或国家银行热线 1-300-88-5465。
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has established a Special Relief Facility of RM500 million to alleviate the problems faced by businesses that have been affected by the recent floods.  Affected businesses could obtain financing from any commercial bank, Islamic bank, SME Bank, Bank Rakyat, Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) or Agrobank.
BNM will provide 60% guarantee through Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC).  No additional collateral is required.  The facility is available to Malaysian SMEs affected in the districts defined by Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri as flood disaster areas, which they can apply up to maximum RM500,000 per group of companies with financing rate up to 2.25% per annum.  Tenure of financing is up to 5 years, with grace period of six months.
The facility is available until 30th June 2015, or upon exhaustion of allocation, whichever is earlier.  Public can contact their financial institutions, or BNM TELELINK at 1-300-88-5465 for enquiries or assistance.


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MIDF SME Emergency Fund (SMEEF)
有关询问,请联系马来西亚兴业金融有限公司,电话:03-2173 8888或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
MIDF SME Emergency Fund (SMEEF) provides soft loan financing from RM50,000 to maximum RM100,000 for SMEs adversely affected by natural disasters for purchases of machinery and equipment, refurbishment of premises, and working capital requirements such as purchases of raw materials and consumables.
Tenure of financing is up to 5 years, excluding a grace period of 6 months.  The financing rate is 3% per annum.  Please refer to annex for details.
For enquiries, please contact MIDF at Tel: 03-2173 8888 or email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (MIDF SME Emergency Fund.pdf)MIDF SME Emergency Fund.pdf[ ]194 Kb

三阳开泰庆丰年 慈善活动2015

2015 CNY

本会女企业家组为了帮助60户穷困家庭将于以下日期,时间,地点举办“三阳开泰庆丰年” 慈善活动2015。
日期:31/1/2015 (星期六)
有意捐助穷困家庭可联系巴生中总秘书处,Tel: 03-3343 9289。

巴生中总赈灾活动 KCCCI donation for Flood Relief

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马来西亚中华总商会 (中总) 对水灾情况深表关注和关心,并对受灾的人民及商家,表达最深切的慰问。中总于今日(27-12-2014)紧急磋商后,宣布联合其全马17个属会,成立“中总赈灾委员会”,筹募款项及物资,通过受灾区的中总各州属会发放给有需要的各族灾黎。
巴生中总将发动救灾及赈灾运动,并鼓励受灾区的商家发挥互助互爱的精神,积极响应赈灾,捐助金钱、净水、粮食、药品与其他必需品外等。您的慷慨解囊, 可帮助灾民解决燃眉之急。
救灾工作刻不容缓,有意捐献者请尽速联络巴生中总秘书处,电话:03-3343 9289或传真:03-33447362或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 。所有的物资及款项,将由中总赈灾委员会根据各地受灾情况,通过中总各州属会,酌情分发。
The flood situation in the East Coast States (Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang) has become worsening, and more states, i.e. Perak, Perlis, Kedah and Johor are hit by flood. Some of the roads and rail transport have been closed to traffic, water and electricity supply have been interrupted, assets and properties were badly damaged, and nearly 120,000 evacuated in these seven flood-hit States. The Malaysian MeteorologicalDepartment (MMD) warned that if heavy rains continued to lash, flash floods will hit the West Coast States of Peninsular Malaysia.
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) is deeply concerned with the worsening flood situation, and wishes to express its sympathy and solicitude for the peoples and communities in the flood affected areas. At a special meeting held today(27/12/2014), ACCCIM and its 17 Constituent Chambers announced the establishment of an ACCCIM “Flood Relief Task Force”  to raise fund and essential food and goods for flood victims, and to arrange to distribute essential food and goods to flood victims irrespective of races via its Constituent Chambers in the flood affected areas.
KCCCI will launch fund raising campaign and relief efforts to assist flood victims. Members of KCCCI and business community are urged to render your helping hands by way of donations in cash and kind such as drinking water, food, medicines and other essential goods.
KCCCI members and businesses who wish to donate are welcome to contact KCCCI Secretariat by Tel: 03-3343 9289 or Fax: 03-33447362 or email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 . Donations received either in cash or kinds will be distributed to evacuation centres and flood affected areas by the “ACCCIM Flood Relief Task Force” through ACCCIM Constituent Chambers in the various states affected by flood.
KCCCI Secretariat​
Thank you.


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本会商务组将于以下日期、时间、地点举办 “消费税研讨会“。
日期:2015年1月24日 (星期六)
地点:Grand Centro Ballroom, Centro Klang
费用 :RM200(会员)RM250(非会员)
* 含早点、午餐及茶点
若有任何询问,请联络本会秘书处(电话:03-3343 9289;传真:03-3344 7362)


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Delegation of Overseas Chinese Young Entrepreneurs 2015
主办单位将承担参加者邀访团活动期间之膳、宿(以2人1房为原则,如选择单人房须自付差额)、交通(不含机票及接送机)、保险。参加者须自行承担台湾来回机票、机场接送交通费、“2015天下经济论坛”票券费US$480 (于报到时以信用卡或现金方式支付)。
敬请各属会将有关讯息传达予会员商家及青商团/组成员,鼓励参与为盼。有关询问,请联络秘书处黄文慧小姐,电话: 03-42603090/3091, 传真: 03-42603080或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Taipei Economic and Culture Office in Malaysia will be organizing the Delegation of Overseas Chinese Young Entrepreneurs 2015 from 26th January to 31st January 2015 in Taiwan.  Activities include participation in "Common Wealth Economic Forum 2015", visit to Taiwan outstanding enterprises, experience sharing by well-known entrepreneurs and interaction with Taiwan young entrepreneurs organisations.
Participants must be aged between 25 to 45 years old and proficient in Mandarin. They must be young entrepreneurs or senior management staff who will well representing their industries and organisations and have been actively participated in overseas Chinese affairs.
The organiser will pay for participants’ meals, accommodation (on twin sharing basis; if single room is required, participant has to pay the difference for single supplement), transportation (excluding airfare and airport transfer) and insurance. Participants are required to pay for their round-trip air ticket to Taiwan, cost for airport transfer, admission ticket to “Common Wealth Economic Forum 2015” at US$480 per person (payment can be made by credit card or cash term upon registration).
We are pleased to enclose herewith the Programme and Registration Form for your reference. Interested members kindly return the duly completed Registration Form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 12th December 2014 to facilitate arrangement.  Submissions without complete information and/ or late submission will not be attended. 
Constituent Chambers are kindly requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation. Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact Ms. Kelly Wong of ACCCIM Secretariat by Tel. 03-42603090 / 3091 or Fax: 03-42603080 or e-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (Programme_20141125.pdf)Programme_20141125.pdf[ ]978 Kb
Download this file (RegistrationForm_20141125.pdf)RegistrationForm_20141125.pdf[ ]787 Kb

Invitation to attend Talk 'New Silk Road'

kccci seminar 350The title of the talk is "New Silk Road" and the speech will be conducted in Mandarin by Prof. Wan Fubin from China.

Details as below:
Date: 26 November, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 10am - 12noon
Venue: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 
            PD Block, Level B1, Room PD009
            No. 9 Jalan Bersatu 13/4 
            46200 Petaling Jaya,
Download this file (海上丝绸之路提纲_R .doc)海上丝绸之路提纲_R .doc[ ]27 Kb