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kccci seminar 350

Bank Negara Malaysia Special Relief Facility for Businesses
国家银行将通过信贷担保机构提供60%的担保,申请者无需提供任何抵押。只要有关中小企业来自首相署国家安全理事会鉴定的受灾地点,就可以年利率最高2.25% 申请每家公司最高50万令吉的贷款,融资期限为5年,宽限期为6个月。
申请截止日期为2015年6月30日,或有关基金发放完毕(视何者为先)。有关询问,请联系各相关银行,或国家银行热线 1-300-88-5465。
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has established a Special Relief Facility of RM500 million to alleviate the problems faced by businesses that have been affected by the recent floods.  Affected businesses could obtain financing from any commercial bank, Islamic bank, SME Bank, Bank Rakyat, Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) or Agrobank.
BNM will provide 60% guarantee through Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC).  No additional collateral is required.  The facility is available to Malaysian SMEs affected in the districts defined by Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri as flood disaster areas, which they can apply up to maximum RM500,000 per group of companies with financing rate up to 2.25% per annum.  Tenure of financing is up to 5 years, with grace period of six months.
The facility is available until 30th June 2015, or upon exhaustion of allocation, whichever is earlier.  Public can contact their financial institutions, or BNM TELELINK at 1-300-88-5465 for enquiries or assistance.