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中总 - 就促进国民团结发表文告

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2012 kccci

ACCCIM’s Press Statement on National Unity 
Issued by Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, President of ACCCIM
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) support the suggestion of Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department to abolish the 'race' column in all official forms in the country in order to form “one nation” to enhance national cohesion and unity. 
Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, a member of National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) cum President of ACCCIM is of the view that Malaysian is a race itself and Y.A.B Prime Minister of Malaysia has been advocating “1Malaysia” concept, in this connection, Malaysian should not be divided by race identity. To achieve national unity and cohesion, the Government should treat all Rakyat 
equitably and impartially, to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and helping the disadvantaged groups regardless of its ethnicity and religion. 
ACCCIM is of the view that top political leaders must have strong political will and determination in taking decisive actions to stop extremists from making irresponsible racist remarks and actions that tend to destroy the trust between races and undermine racial harmony. Merely ignorance do not have permanent cure but instead it will catalyst the growing of making those negative remarks, 
which will cause racial tensions and affect the stability of the nation. 
With the objective to enhance national unity and social cohesion, and to collect, study and formulate views on issues affecting national unity and social cohesion for consideration of NUCC, including government policies, legislations, regulations and other factors so as our proposals will be incorporated in the “National Blueprint for National Unity”, the ACCCIM has established a National Unity Committee in November 2013 and appointed Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Deputy President of ACCCIM and Dato’ Tan Tian Meng as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of this Committee. ACCCIM has been actively participating in NUCC’s meetings and activities so as to bringing about closer understanding and cooperation between the government and private sector in the formulation of national unity policies. 
Five working groups have been formed by the ACCCIM National Unity Committee, i.e. Policy and Legislation Promoting National Harmony, Nation Building and Cross Cultural Aspects of Ethnic Relations, Inclusive Development, Youths and National Unity as well as National Integration. ACCCIM is in the process of drafting a memorandum for submission to NUCC. ACCCIM is currently soliciting feedback and proposals from members of Constituent Chambers on promotion of national unity and cohesion for incorporation into the ACCCIM memorandum. Public are welcome to submit feedbacks and proposals to ACCCIM for onwards submission to NUCC.