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20230519 沙巴5天4夜水产养殖和及农业考察

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kccci seminar

马来西亚中华总商会(中总)将于2023年5月19日至23日,举办“沙巴 5 天 4 夜水产养殖及农业考察”,旨在为参与者提供水产养殖及农业领域的经验与技术分享,。并提升参与者对此行业的技术要求、标准、系统和合规性的理解。此项活动也将探讨沙巴在水产养殖、农业和其他下游食品方面的投资机会。 谨此附上活动暂定行程表与报名表格,诚邀从事或有意投入水产养殖及农业生产的会员踊跃报名;亦请各基本会员和团体会员秘书处,将此活动讯息广发会员商家,鼓励参与此项活动。
Please be informed that ACCCIM is organising a "5 Days 4 Nights Aquaculture and Agricultural Mission to Sabah" on 19 - 23 May 2023. The Notice, Proposed Itinerary and Registration Form are attached for your kind information and action. Please register your interest as soon as possible as the seats are limited!