Payment System Forum and Exhibition 2015
日期: 2015年11月03日 (星期二)
时间: (一) 早上环节: 9时10分至12时30分 (早上8时正 – 报到及茶点)
(二) 下午环节 : 2时正至4时30分 (下午1时正 - 报到及茶点)
Auditorium, Sasana Kijang
No. 2, Jalan Dato’ Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
此论坛由马来西亚国家银行(Bank Negara Malaysia)举办,主题为”展望电子支付”,旨在提升公众对支付卡应用的意识及加强对支付卡系统的了解,届时商家也将分享他们成功采用电子支付的经验。论坛将分为两个环节:
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),以利安排。有关询问,请联系中总秘书处林丽珊小姐 (电话:03-4260 3090 / 3091 或传真:03-4260 3080)。
Date: 3rd November 2015 (Tuesday)
(A) 9.10 am to 12.30 pm (morning session) (8.00 am - Registration and Welcome Refreshments)
(B) 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm (afternoon session) (1.00 pm - Registration and Welcome Refreshments)
Auditorium, Sasana Kijang
No. 2, Jalan Dato’ Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
The Forum and Exhibition is organised by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) with theme “Moving Forward with e-Payments”, aimed at creating awareness and providing exposure to the participants on the payment cards landscape in Malaysia as well as sharing of experience by merchants that have successfully adopted e-payments in their businesses. The forum will focus on the following two areas:
(a) Payment Card Acceptance by Merchant (morning session)
Targeted to merchants with potential to accept payment cards in their businesses.
(b) Corporate Internet Banking and Statutory Payment to Government (afternoon session)
Targeted to corporates to give an exposure on cash management and effective means of making statutory payments to government.
ACCCIM is requested by BNM to invite 50 members to attend the Forum and Exhibition for each session. Constituent Chambers are requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation.
The revised tentative programme and reply slip are enclosed for your necessary. Interested members are requested to return the duly completed reply slip to the ACCCIM Secretariat (email:
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) by 10th October 2015. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Lim Li Sang of the ACCCIM Secretariat at Tel: 03-4260 3090 / 3091 or Fax: 03-4260 3080.