马来西亚国家银行(BNM) 将于以下日期、时间、地点举办主题为” 采用支付卡”的付费系统论坛及展览。中总受托受邀100位会员商家出席。
日期 :2014年11月27日 (星期四)
时间 :早上8时正至下午5时15分
地点 :Auditorium, Sasana Kijang
2, Jalan Dato’ Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
敬请各属会将讯息传达予会员商家以鼓励出席为盼。兹附上暂定节目表及回执供参阅。有关询问,请联络本会秘书处黄文慧小姐(电话:603-4260 3090, 传真:603-4260 3080, 电邮:
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Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) will be organising a Payment System Forum and Exhibition themed “Payment Cards Acceptance” on the following date, time and venue. ACCCIM is entrusted to invite 100 members to attend the Forum and Exhibition.
Date : 27th November 2014 (Thursday)
Time : 8.00 am to 5.15 pm
Venue : Auditorium, Sasana Kijang
2, Jalan Dato’ Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
The one-day event is aimed at promoting the acceptance of payment cards, in particular, the contactless payment cards, and to build public awareness and confidence in the use of payment cards. The event will also include exhibition which would showcase the latest products on card acceptance and electronic payment services available in Malaysia.
Constituent Chambers are requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation. The tentative programme and reply slip are enclosed for your necessary. For further information, please contact Ms. Kelly Wong of ACCCIM secretariat at Tel: 03-4260 3090; Fax: 03-4260 3080; or e-mail:
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