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Fundraising for Earthquake Relief in Turkiye
2023年2月6日,土耳其发生强烈地震,震级高达7.8级。 地震给土耳其人民造成了毁灭性的损失,超过 28,000 人伤亡,数万人流离失所。因此,本会於 2 月 10 日召開了董事會議,決定成立土耳其地震災害籌款委員會。
有意捐款者,请汇款至巴生中总CIMB银行户头: Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (户口号码: 800-346-1632),请将存款单据传至: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 ,并注明“土耳其赈灾筹款”。截止日期为2023年2月28日。
On 6th Feb 2023, an earthquake occurred on the Turkiye, with a magnitude as high as 7.8. The earthquake caused devastating losses to the people of Turkiye, with more than 28,000 casualties and displacing tens of thousands.
We held a meeting between Council on 10th Feb and have decided to establish a Turkiye earthquake disaster fundraising committee .
KCCCI would like to extend our humanitarian spirit and international social responsibility to appeal your goodself and organization to generously support the above fundraising by becoming one of our donors. The donation will handover to Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
Donation could be made directly to Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Account no: CIMB 800-346-1632). Please send transaction receipt to: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 by stating ‘Fundraising for Earthquake Relief in Turkiye’ for the reference of KCCCI .The deadline for this fundraising effort is February 28.
Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact KCCCI Secretariat at Tel : 03-33439289; Email : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .or whatsapp at 010-3769289.