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kccci seminar 350

KCCCI will be participate the 8th World summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs on 21st Oct 2011 until 23th Oct 2011.



日期 : 2011年10月21日至10月23日
地点 : 澳门
费用 : 可分为:
• 航费:亚航
21/10/11-AK52 1215pm-1600pm
23/10/11-AK53 1640pm-2025pm
• 行政费:RM200
• 议程表內所列餐宴、参观(不包括會後考察遊覽)、机场及会场接送等,将洽請有关机构贊助招待
• 若有不可预测的事情发生导致难以成行,本会有权取消此行程,不负责任和赔偿和损失
截止日期 : 2011年9月1日

兹附上有关高峰会的初步资料、暂定行程及报名表格供参阅。由于团员名额有限,有兴趣参加者请尽速填具附上之报名表格,联同行政费于2011年9月1日前寄至本会秘书处,有关支票抬头请写 “ Klang Chinese Chamber Of Commerce & Industry”.任何垂询,请联络本会秘书处温淑惠小姐,电话03-33439289, 传真03-33447362.电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .

8th World Summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs

KCCCI will be participate the 8th World summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs on 21st Oct 2011 until 23th Oct 2011.

The objectives of the summit is to promote exchanges between the global Chinese entrepreneur leaders and enhance the economic and trade cooperation between the overseas and local Chinese entrepreneurs.

Date : 21st ~23th Oct 2011
Venue: Macau
Expenses: 1. Air ticket-Airasia
21/10/11-AK52 1215pm-1600pm
23/10/11-AK53 1640pm-2025pm
( kindly book air ticket by yourself after registration )

2. Administration Fee : RM200

3. Banquets, inspection and visit ( Excluding inspection tours after summit), airport and summit venue pick up etc are listed in summit itinerary, we will contact the related institutions for sponsorship .

Closing date: 1st Sep 2011

We enclose herewith the general information, tentative itinerary and registration form for your kind perusal. Members who are interested may submit the duly completed registration form with business interest , together with the administration fee to KCCCI’s secretariat by 1 Sep 2011 to facilitate arrangement.

For further enquiries, please contact KCCCI Executive Secretary Ms.Boon Soh Huai at Tel : 03-33439289 / Fax : 03-33447362 Email : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .

Thank you