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新加坡中华总商会 SCCCI



Established in 1906, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) is an internationally renowned business organisation and the apex body of the Chinese business community in Singapore. 

在维护新加坡商家利益、推动国内外商贸、教育、文化与社区发展各个方面,都扮演着积极和重要的角色。总商会于1995年荣获 ISO 9001:2008 国际标准证书,不断为会员提供国际水准的优质服务。

总商会不但是本地华商华社的最高领导机构,在国际商业舞台上享有良好的信誉,同时也是世界华商大会的创办机构,并拥有广泛联系世界各地华人企业的商业资讯网站 “世界华商网络”  (www.wcbn.com.sg)。

It is the founder of the biennial World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and the World Chinese Business Network (www.wcbn.com.sg), a global online business information portal.

It plays a key and pro-active role in representing the interests of the local business community. In its continued drive for service excellence, the SCCCI has become the first business chamber in the region that has been awarded ISO 9001-2000 certification since 1995. In 2009, the Chamber successfully upgraded its ISO certification to ISO 9001-2008.

更多讯息 / More Info : http://sccci.org.sg