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巴生中华总商会会讯第50期 KCCCI Bulletin 50

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KCCCI Bulletin 50


附上巴生中总第50期电子版商讯供参阅。有关商讯也已上载至巴生中总网站: www.kccci.org.my
Please be informed that KCCCI will be adopting a paperless method to replace the current practice of posting the hardcopy Berita KCCCI to members beginning from year 2019, in response to concerns on environmental protection and conservation of resources, and also to communicate in a timely manner.
Enclosed herewith the KCCCI e-Bulletin Issue 50 for your reference. The KCCCI e-Bulletin is also available on KCCCI website:www.kccci.org.my