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kccci seminar 350SME's Financial Assisstance And Soft Loan Seminar

“关键经济领域 批发零售、大吉隆坡、金融服务”讲座会

kccci seminar 350

在经济转型计划下(ETP)下,政府鉴定了12个国家关键经济领域(NKEAs)。为了让企业商家对相关领域有深层了解,本会订于2012年2月25日(星期六)举办“国家关键经济领域 – 批发零售、大吉隆坡、金融服务”讲座,呈献单位为安联银行。协办单位为马来西亚中华总商会社会经济研究中心。

SME Financing through Small Debt Resolution Scheme

kccci seminar 350

Viable SMEs can seek assistance through SDRS, a scheme established by Bank Negara Malaysia that facilitates restructuring or rescheduling of existing financing facilities. Are you the next SME that requires our assistance?

Download this file (Brochure.pdf)Brochure.pdf[Brochure]401 Kb

2012 年度国际贸易及工业对话会

kccci seminar 350

我国国际贸易及工业部将于2012 年4 月24 日与全国性工商团体举行对话会。对话会的主要目的是听取工商界所面对的问题(税务以外的问题),以及建议之解决方案。The Ministry of International Trade and Industry will be organising a dialogue session with chambers of commerce and national level trade organisations on 24th April 2012. The objective of the dialogue is to obtain feedback on issues and problems encountered by industries (not concerning tax) and proposed solutions.

蜕转2.1 ~ 创新 • 人才 • 市场

20120118 seminar 1

马来西亚中华总商会将于2012年3月15日(星期四),上午9时至下午5时30分,假吉隆坡成功时代广场酒店 (Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.)主办第三届中小企业大会。

CEO Forum Business Transformation through Innovation

kccci seminar 350

The CEO Forum on Business Transformation is an initiative of MPC to address the issue of innovation for business process and transformation. Business transformation is a key executive management initiative that attempts to align organizational initiatives relating to people, process and technology with its business strategy and vision.

Download this file (Brochure_Registration_Form_CEO_Forum_2012.pdf)Brochure_Registration_Form_CEO_Forum_2012.pdf[Brochure]166 Kb


kccci study 350


Download this file (Baking_Declaration.pdf)Baking_Declaration.pdf[确认书]9 Kb
Download this file (Baking_form.pdf)Baking_form.pdf[报名表格]51 Kb

Talk On CIPA BILL 2011

kccci seminar 350

Talk on “Introduction to the Construction Industry Payment & Adjudication (CIPA) Bill 2011”


kccci exhibition 350

本会将于2012年1月4日至5日早上10时至晚上10时正假Bukit Tinggi Premiere Hotel 举办马中传统文化艺术展。