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Visit of the Delegation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers/Exporters from Pakistan

Greetings from MOH!

Dear all,
I'm referring to the matter above.
The High Commission  for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kuala Lumpur in their letter stating that  a 6 member delegation of Pakistan-based pharmaceutical manufacturers/ exporters is visiting Kuala Lumpur from 18-23 November 2012 to attend Pharma Tech Conference and Exhibition 2012 being held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center from 20-21 November 2012.
In this regard, the high Commission would like to arrange their meetings with the organizations which letters have been issued to the organizations separately. Your kind support in entertaining the request appointments would much be appreciated.
Enclosed herewith is the copy of the letter for your kind perusal.
Thank you.
Siti Zulaikha Mohamad Zobir
Senior Assistant Secretary (Health Services)
Policy & International Relations Division
Ministry of Health
Tel: 03-8883 2604
Fax: 03-8883 2571
Download this file (DOC071112.pdf)DOC071112.pdf[More Information]1118 Kb


2012 kccci

Date 日期 : 1-Dec-2012 to 2-Dec-2012
Time 时间 : 10:00am to 10:00pm
Value 地点: Car Park AEON Jaya Jusco, Bukit Tinggi, Klang
Contact : (Tel)603-3343 9289 (Fax) 603-3344 7362
Please download file attached for more details. 有关详情及表格,请参考以下。


  • 第二届雪州滨海美食旅游展
  • 第二届雪州滨海美食旅游展
  • 第二届雪州滨海美食旅游展
  • 第二届雪州滨海美食旅游展

Download this file (Flyer_Chi_Edi.pdf)Flyer_Chi_Edi.pdf[ ]358 Kb
Download this file (Flyer_Mal_Edi.pdf)Flyer_Mal_Edi.pdf[ ]346 Kb
Download this file (Reg_Form_Chi_Edi.pdf)Reg_Form_Chi_Edi.pdf[ ]319 Kb
Download this file (Reg_Form_Malay_Edi.pdf)Reg_Form_Malay_Edi.pdf[ ]279 Kb

Invitation to attend “Briefing on China Venture Policy Advisory” (10-11-2012)


Reference No. : M-2012-76
Date : 1st November 2012
To : All Members of KLSCCCI
C.C. : All Council Members of KLSCCCI
Invitation to attend "Briefing on China Venture Policy Advisory" (10-11-2012)
Please be informed that Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) will organize a forum on "China Venture Policies" on 10th November 2012 (Saturday). Details are as follows:
Date:10-11-2012 (Saturday)
Time:10.00a.m. to 12.30noon
Venue:MCCC Hall,
Level 4, No.8-2, Jalan Metro Pudu
Fraser Business Park,Off Jalan Yew
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Registration Deadline:6th November 2012 (Tuesday)
Fees:Free Admission
Mdm. Yu Jianming, Deputy Director General of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China will led Mr. Wu Xiao Hua, Director General of Institute of Economics of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Mr. Mo Hongjun, Counselor of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Mr. Le Jing, Deputy Director of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Mr. Wang Jun, Divison Director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council from China to brief on China Venture Policy Advisory. Enclosed please find the profile of speakers for your reference.
All members of KLSCCCI are encouraged to participate. Interested members are requested to confirm your attendance by returning the completed reply slip to MCCC Secretariat by fax or email before 6th November 2012 (Thursday) to facilitate the arrangements.
For further enquiries, please contact MCCC Secretariat by Tel: 03-9223 1188; Fax: 03-9222 1548 or e-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Ho Soo Fong
Executive Director
会员通告Members’ Circular:MC 84/12
敬致To:永久名誉会长/ /中央理事会成员 /执行顾问/  名誉顾问/
             杰出会员 /工作组成员/ 会员商会执行秘书
             Life Honorary Presidents, Members of ACCCIM National 
             Council, Executive Adviser, Honorary Advisers, Eminent 
             Members, Members of Working Committees, Executive
             Secretaries of ACCCIM Constituent Chambers
Invitation to attend “Briefing on China Venture Policy Advisory”
本会受托邀请诸位出席“中国创业政策谘询报告会”。请于2012年11月6日前将附上之回条传真马来西亚中国经济贸易总商会秘书处,以利安排为盼。任何询问,请联络马来西亚中国经济贸易总商会秘书处(电话:603-9223 1188, 传真:603-9222 1548, 电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 )。
Malaysia- China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) will be organizing a “Briefing on China Venture Policy Advisory” at 10 a.m. to 12.30 noon on 10th November 2012 (Saturday) at MCCC Hall, No.8-2, Jalan Metro Pudu, Fraser Business Park, Off Jalan Yew, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Mdm. Yu Jianming, Deputy Director General of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China will led Mr. Wu Xiao Hua, Director General of Institute of Economics of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Mr. Mo Hongjun, Counselor of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Mr. Le Jing, Deputy Director of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Mr. Wang Jun, Divison Director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council from China to briefing on China Venture Policy Advisory. Enclosed please find the profile of speakers for your renference,
Representatives of all Constituent Chambers and all recipients of this circular are invited to attend the briefing. Kindly return the duly completed reply slip to MCCC Secretariat by 6th November 2012 to facilitate arrangement. For enquiries, please contact MCCC Secretariat by Tel: 603-9223 1188 Fax: 603-9222 1548 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
总执行秘书  Executive Director
Download this file (Invitation.pdf)Invitation.pdf[ ]187 Kb
Download this file (Reply slip.pdf)Reply slip.pdf[ ]154 Kb


2012 kccci


Download this file (Programme.pdf)Programme.pdf[节目表]266 Kb
Download this file (registration form.pdf)registration form.pdf[报名表格]313 Kb

在职技工能力鉴定说明会 (PP-PPT)

2012 kccci


Download this file (Job Profile - AirCond.zip)Job Profile - AirCond.zip[冷氣工程]687 Kb
Download this file (Job Profile - Electrical.zip)Job Profile - Electrical.zip[電線工程]2616 Kb
Download this file (Job Profile - Plumber.zip)Job Profile - Plumber.zip[水喉工程]566 Kb
Download this file (Job Profile - Tyre.zip)Job Profile - Tyre.zip[輪胎安裝工程]243 Kb
Download this file (Registration_Form.zip)Registration_Form.zip[報名須知及表格]825 Kb

Negotiation Skills

kccci seminar 350

Program : Negotiation Skills
Date : 17th - 18th Oct 2012
Location: Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)

消费税培训 Training on Goods and Services Tax (GST)

2012 kccci

财政部税务检讨小组要求与总会合作,联办消费税醒觉讲座,以提高各地华裔商家对消费税的醒觉及了解。Tax Review Panel of Ministry of Finance seeks to collaborate with ACCCIM in organising Nationwide Roadshows to create awareness and enhance understanding on GST in various states.

台湾侨务委员会2012年第二期网路店面行销实务班 OCAC Training Programme on E-Commerce

2012 kccci

台湾侨务委员将于2012年11月19日至30日开办上述课程。OCAC will be organising the above training programme from 19th to 30th November 2012 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Download this file (declaration.pdf)declaration.pdf[确认书]79 Kb
Download this file (form.pdf)form.pdf[报名表格]100 Kb
Download this file (Guidelines.pdf)Guidelines.pdf[招生简章]127 Kb

5th Edition Directory of Joint Venture Partnership and Turnkey Industrial Plant

2012 kccci


The objectives of this directory are to promote Malaysian products and services abroad and locally; to promote bilateral trade between both countries; and also provide the opportunities to tap on the benefits such as esy market access, technical cooperation, manufacturing known-how and etc.


Download this file (Listing template.pdf)Listing template.pdf[ ]131 Kb
Download this file (Registration Form.pdf)Registration Form.pdf[ ]390 Kb