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Encourage Members to Raise National Flag during National Day

kccci Malaysia 300

Encourage Members to Raise National Flag during National Day
Hereby encourages all members of Constituent Chambers to display national flags in response to Government’s call in conjunction with the National Day celebration in August and September 2013.  The display of national flags symbolizes the spirit of patriotism, unity and joy in this auspicious occasion of the 56th Independence Day and the 50th Malaysia Day.

2013年马来西亚巡回经贸讲座 - 企业经营蓝图的根基

kccci seminar 350

主讲人:劉恆逸 Heng-Yih Liu, Assistant Professor             
日期Date       :   24-9-2012 (星期二 / Tuesday)
时间Time       :   9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
地点Venue     :  巴生中华总商会礼堂 / KCCCI Auditorium Hall

Download this file (Seminar Registration Form.pdf)Seminar Registration Form.pdf[ ]682 Kb
Download this file (Speaker_Profile.pdf)Speaker_Profile.pdf[ ]593 Kb

MITI Announcement on Termination of the Generalized System of Preferences

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MITI Announcement on Termination of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), 1st January 2014. Please veiw file attached for more details.
Download this file (MITI Anouncement GSP.pdf)MITI Anouncement GSP.pdf[ ]101 Kb

Networking and Business Seminar with President of South Africa

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The South African High Commission and the Department of Trade & Industry (South Africa), in partnership with MITI, MIDA, MATRADE, MASSA and the Malaysia-South Africa Business Council have the pleasure to invite you to a Networking and Business Seminar with the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, H.E. JACOB GEDLEYIHLEKISA ZUMA AND A HIGH LEVEL BUSINESS DELEGATION as follows: 
Date    :        26 August 2013 (Monday) 
Time    :        2:00pm - 5.30pm 
Venue  :        Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa, Putrajaya Ballroom

SME Forum - 23.09.2013 - Mandarin Oriental Hotel, KL

kccci seminar 350

Attached please find a copy of the letter from H.E. Mr. Vijay Gokhale, High Commissioner of India to Malaysia regarding SME Forum being held on 23rd September 2013 at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Download this file (SME Forum - ACCCIM.pdf)SME Forum - ACCCIM.pdf[ ]68 Kb
Download this file (SME Forum - Brochure.pdf)SME Forum - Brochure.pdf[ ]1977 Kb

Food (Amendment) (No._) Regulations 2013 and Draft Food Advertisement Regulations 2013

kccci seminar 350

Food (Amendment) (No._) Regulations 2013 and Draft Food Advertisement Regulations 2013
本会接获马来西亚卫生部 (Ministry of Health Malaysia) 的来函,随函附上了有关修改1985年的食品条例事项的建议草案及食品广告建议草案2013。

拜访Top-Mech Provincial Sdn Bhd

kccci seminar 350

本会国际贸易/东盟事务组将于2013年10月2日拜访Top-Mech Provincial Sdn Bhd.
日期:2 October 2013
时间:10am - 1pm
地点:Top-Mech Provincial Sdn Bhd


kccci seminar 350

日期:     2013年12月1日
地点:     Putrajaya Marriott Hotel
参会费: RM300 

Invitation To Attend e-Caruman Briefing

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We would like to invite KCCCI member companies to attend the e-Caruman briefing as stated below:
Date: 27 August 2013 (Tue)
Time: 9:30am ~ 12:00noon
Venue: Bilik Latihan 3, Tingkat 4 Blok B, Bangunan KWSP, Jalan Gasing, PJ
Attaching herewith the following 3 documents for circulation to KCCCI member companies:
a)      Invitation Letter
b)      Registration Form
c)      Form KWSP 1 (i) Registration of i-Akaun