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No. 1/2014 Royal Malaysian Customs-Private Sector Consultative Panel Meeting

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Royal Malaysian Customs-Private Sector Consultative Panel Meeting No. 1/2014
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The 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) – Submission of Proposals on Public Safety Sector

kccci seminar 350

第11大马计划 (2016-2020) - 就改善公共治安提呈建议
The 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) – Submission of Proposals on Public Safety Sector
第 11 大马计划(2016-2020)将以引领我国迈向先进国,成为高收入国家的宏愿为目标。
有关询问,请联络本会秘书处黄立靖小姐,电话:603-33439289或传真:03-33447362 或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 谢谢。
The Ministry of Home Affairs is soliciting views and proposals on Public Safety Sector for incorporation in the 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020).
The 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) aimed at leading Malaysia towards achieving the vision as developed nation and high income country.
Private sector organisations are invited to submit proposals paper on Public Safety Sector. KCCCI Members are requested to gather the relevant views, proposals or data and submit to the KCCCI Secretariat by 15th February 2014.
Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact Ms. Wong of KCCCI Secretariat by Tel: 603-33439289 or Fax: 03-334473620 or E-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Download this file (20140129090649115.pdf)20140129090649115.pdf[ ]241 Kb

5th Edition Directory of Joint Venture Partnership and Turnkey Industrial Plant Offered by Malaysian Companies

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The International Trade and Industry Committee is planning to publish the 5th Edition Directory of Joint Venture Partnership and Turnkey Industrial Plant Offered by Malaysian Companies. This directory is now embedded with improved and enhanced layout – Binding File A4 size (as compared to previous A5 edition). 

Download this file (Advertisement Form.pdf)Advertisement Form.pdf[ ]466 Kb
Download this file (Listing Form.pdf)Listing Form.pdf[ ]433 Kb

秘书处农历新年休假 Secretariat Closed in conjunction with CNY

2013 kccci

配合欢庆农历新年,本会秘书处将于2014年1月30日至2014年2月2日 (星期四至日)  休假。
本会将于上述日期暂停发出原产地证明书(C.O) 。秘书处将于2014年2月3日 (星期一) 照常办公。若造成任何不便,敬请见谅。
藉此新春之际,恭祝各位 :  新春纳福,  万事如意!
Please be informed that our Secretariat will be closed from 30th Jan 2014 to 2nd February 2014 (Thursday to Sunday) in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration.
There will be NO ISSUANCE of Certificate of Origin (C.O.) during the above period. Our office shall resume operation as usual on 3rd February 2014 (Monday). We regret for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you.
Wishing you a Prosperous and Happy Chinese New Year !

秘书处农历新年休假 Secretariat Closed in conjunction with CNY

2022 kccci

Secretariat Closed in conjunction with Chinese New Year Festive Celebration
本会于上述日期暂停发出原产地证明书(C.O.)。秘书处将于 2022年2月4日(星期五) 照常办公。敬请垂注。
藉此新春之际,恭祝各位:   新年进步, 万事如意!
We are pleased to inform that KCCCI Secretariat will be closed from 31 January to 3 February 2022 (Monday to Thursday) in conjunction with Chinese New Year festive celebration.
There is NO ISSUANCE of Certificate of Origin (C.O.) during the above period. We will operate as usual on 4 February 2022 (Friday).
We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


消费税登记系统测试 Test Run of Registration for MyGST

kccci seminar 350

配合即将于2015年4月1日开始推行的消费税,马来西亚皇家关税局开发了一个名为 MyGST 的电脑系统。为了确保这个电脑系统能够良好运作及易于使用,皇家关税局邀请商家参与其测试,参与登记。
Download this file (MC 7_14_Reply Slip.doc)MC 7_14_Reply Slip.doc[ ]34 Kb

UNICERA 26th International Ceramic Bathroom Kitchen Fair 2014

kccci seminar 350

UNICERA 26th International Ceramic Bathroom Kitchen Fair 2014 will be hold as below:
Date: 26th Feb 2014 - 2nd March 2014
Venue: Tüyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center, Istanbul Turkey
For more details, please refer www.unicera.com.tr/en


kccci seminar 350

Perintah Larangan Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) (Pindaan) (No.3) 2013 bagi Bahan Binaan telah diwartakan pada 18 November 2013 dan akan berkuatkuasa pada 31 Januari 2014. Hasil daripada penguatkuasaan ini, mana-mana pengimport yang berhasrat membawa masuk produk-produk di bawah Jadual 4 ke negara ini perlu mendapatkan Sijil Kelulusan atau Certificate of Approval (COA) yang dikeluarkan oleh agensi Kerajaan yang berkaitan. 
2.  Sehubungan itu, beberapa Sesi Penerangan mengenai penguatkuasaan produk binaan di bawah Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) akan diadakan di seluruh negara bagi memberikan pendedahan berkenaan proses-proses yang terlibat apabila produk ini mula dikuatkuasakan kelak. Sesi penerangan bagi Sabah dan Sarawak akan diadakan seperti ketetapan-ketetapan berikut : 
Tarikh     :        20 Januari 2014 (Isnin) 
Masa      :        8.30 pagi - 12.30 tengahari 
Tempat   :        Bilik Gunasama, Auditorium Sabah, 
                        Pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan Sabah, 
                        P.O Box 2063, Jal UMS, 
88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Tarikh        :        22 Januari 2014 (Rabu) 
Masa         :        8.30 pagi - 12.30 tengahari 
Tempat      :        Dewan Malaysian Productivity Corporation, 
Lot 894, Lorong Demak Laut 3A 
Taman Perindustrian Demak Laut 
93050 Kuching, Sarawak 
3.        Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan brosur taklimat serta borang pendaftaran seminar bagi tindakan pihak YBhg. Datuk/Dato’/Tuan/Puan. Dipohon kerjasama pihak YBhg. Datuk/Dato’/ Tuan/Puan juga untuk mencalonkan sekurang-kurangnya dua orang wakil dan mengemukakan pengesahan kehadiran kepada 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 atau 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 selewat-lewatnya pada  16 Januari 2013. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh menghubungi Pn Nurul Aini Ramly di talian 03 6200 0251 atau Cik Sarah Izzati Seeni Mohamed di 03 6200 0256. 
Sekian, terima kasih. 
Download this file (BROCHURE FOR ROADSHOW.pdf)BROCHURE FOR ROADSHOW.pdf[ ]165 Kb

Penerangan Undang-undang Kecil Tred, Pelesenan dan Perindustrian Tahun 2007

kccci seminar 350

Kindly view file attached for the power point presentation.
Download this file (kadar_lesen_tred_perniagaan_2013.ppt)kadar_lesen_tred_perniagaan_2013.ppt[ ]2543 Kb