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此说明会的目的是让华商更了解课程里如何制作微电影及如何掌握微电影的DIY摄制技能 。此说明会将汇集2位专业主讲人针对微电影对企业的价值及利用手机制作微电影简单的专业知识。此说明会的媒介语为华文。随函附上报名表格供参阅。研讨会报名费为会员每人RM20,非会员每人RM30(包含茶点),报名截止日期为2015年4月13日。
有关询问,请联络巴生中总秘书处伍启忠, 电话:03-33439289 或 电邮 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Download this file (Registration_Form_20150415.doc)Registration_Form_20150415.doc[ ]50 Kb


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Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) is pleased to invite your company to participate in the Specialised Marketing Mission (SSM) to Port Louis, Mauritius from 19 – 22 May 2015. This SMM will replace the Showcase Malaysia programme at Port Louis, Mauritius earlier scheduled from 21 – 23 May 2015. The sectors promoted at the SMM are Electrical & Electronics, ICT, Renewable Energy & Waste Water Management, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Business Services, Lifestyle and Food & Beverages.
2.  Port Louis is the capital city of Mauritius which serves as the main business centre and administrative capital of Mauritius. It is the largest city of the island which most of the big businesses operate in the city and the home of Port Louis Harbour. According to the World Bank, Mauritius was ranked 20th out of 189 economies in Doing Business 2014.  In addition, Mauritius is a regional leader in economic freedom of the 46 countries under the Sub-Saharan region with USD11.93 billion GDP and 1.3 million populations. Mauritius is also known as the “Gateway to Africa” for exports of products and investment.
3.  The SMM to Mauritius is tailored exclusively for Malaysian companies/exporters to showcase their products and services. This event will further enhance the existence of made in Malaysia products and services to the business communities in Mauritius. MATRADE will be arrange individual business meetings for participants with the local business community. There will also be a table top display at participant’s business meeting area where you can showcase your products during the meeting together with your pull up banners.
4.  Eligible SME, Trade Associations, Chambers and Cooperatives can claim for Market Development Scheme (MDG), subject to availability of fund. More information on MDG can be obtained from our portal. Kindly register your participation online by or before 8 April 2015 at the following link: http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/online-applications/specialised-marketing-mission. Please send a participation fee of RM800 per person by Maybank2u or cheque together with 2 copies of your product brochure to MATRADE.
5.  Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the following officers:
-   Ms Addeena Fadzleen Ab. Razak (+603-6207 7504 / 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 )
-   Ms Rina Sazriannie (+603-6207 7508/ 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 )

Zhejiang-Malaysia Investment & Trade Symposium 2015

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Zhejiang-Malaysia Investment & Trade Symposium 2015(21-4-2015)
In order to promote the trade and economic relationship and cooperation between Zhejiang Province, China and Malaysia, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) together with Zhejiang Chamber of International Commerce will organize the Zhejiang-Malaysia Investment & Trade Symposium 2015 on 21st April 2015 (Tuesday) at 12.00 noon. Details are as follows:
Date: 21st April 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 12.00 noon (Registration at 11:30 a.m.) to 2.30 p.m.
Venue: Grand Ballroom, InterContinental Kuala Lumpur, 165, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Free Admission
A delegation with a total of 49 enterprises from Zhejiang Province will participate in the symposium. The participating enterprises are from various industries, such as electronics and information, textile and garments, machinery equipment, infrastructure, construction, auto parts, chemical, minerals, energy, agriculture, food processing and medicine. They would like to establish good cooperative relations with local industries and businesses.
Enclosed herewith the list of enterprises in Zhejiang Province for your reference. Free admission, interested members please submit the duly completed registration form to the Secretariat latest by 15th April 2015 (Wednesday) to facilitate arrangements.
For further enquiries, please contact Ms. Loh C. S. or Mdm. Teo of the Secretariat at Tel : 03-4253 2135; Fax : 03-4253 2524; e-mail : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (2015 Enterprises list.xls)2015 Enterprises list.xls[ ]107 Kb
Download this file (Info.pdf)Info.pdf[ ]128 Kb
Download this file (invitation letter.pdf)invitation letter.pdf[ ]274 Kb
Download this file (Registration Form.pdf)Registration Form.pdf[ ]119 Kb

Invitation To Register With E-Biz Match

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Invitation To Register With E-Biz Match 
Refer to e-Biz Match, an online business matching service connecting businesses worldwide hosted by MIDA. This web-based facility will help registered members connect with international business partners. Registered members may conduct customise searches for business partners based on their specific requirements.
With all due respect, your association is cordially invited to register with us to benefit more from the e-Biz Match database. Once registered, association can go through our database for further information and a potential future collaboration.
Once registered, association may view potential Joint Venture/ Contract Manufacturing/ Technical Collaboration opportunities from other e-BizMatch members in our directory. Please find attached, list of companies that have registered with e-Biz Match for the period of October – December 2014 as in Appendix II.
The e-BizMatch registration page can be obtained from MIDA website at www.mida.gov.my. For further details, please contact the person in charge; Mohammed Zahari Othman at 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 or via telephone at (603) 2263 2513. 
Download this file (e-Biz Match Appendix II.doc)e-Biz Match Appendix II.doc[ ]76 Kb


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Warm greetings from Trade Department of The Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia.
Please find the invitation of "Indonesia Business Matching" from us. 
We would be very grateful to receive your Reply Slip by filling the Reply Slip or email 
your particulars directly to 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Company: ………
Contact No: ……..
Email: ……..
Interested field:……


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ACCCIM Survey Report of the Economic Situation of Malaysia 
for the 2nd Half of 2014
中总商务组进行之《2014下半年我国经济状况调查报告》经于2015年3月30日正式公布。报告重点摘要与全文已上载中总网站www.acccim.org.my 供参阅。谨此函达。
The ACCCIM Survey Report of the Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2014 conducted by ACCCIM Commerce Committee has been announced on 30th March 2015.  The Executive Summary and Full Report of the survey are available on ACCCIM website (www.acccim.org.my) for reference.

USA Franchise Brand: Wing Zone seeks Malaysian Area Developers

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Greetings form U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. We would like to highlight to you an U.S. franchise area developer opportunities in Malaysia for Wing Zone, a quick service restaurant chicken Wing delivery concept. Currently, Wing Zone is located in the towns of Setiawan/ Seri Manjung, and Kampar. Other than these two outlets, the rest of Malaysia is available if your ACCCIM Chinese Chambers members are interested to take up this concept.  Please find attached more information on this concept.
Representative of Wing Zone, Mr. Hair Parra, Vice President of International Development is planning a trip to Kuala Lumpur in May 2015, dates to be determined.  Please fill-up the attached form and return to us by Monday, April 6 as a sign of your member’s interest. We will reach out to you again once we have firmed dates of Mr. Parra’s visit, and will schedule your 1-1 appointment with him then. Do let us  know if you have any questions and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.  


kccci seminar

Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Fee Imposed on  Application for APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)
公司注册地址:42A Lebuh Enggang, 4​1050 Klang
由于申请亚太平洋商务卡所征收的每份RM 35的费用乃收益项目,因此,须缴付6%的消费税。
谨此通知,一旦消费税于2015年4月1日执行后,申请亚太平洋商务卡(ABTC)的每份费用为RM 37.10(含消费税),支票抬头“KLANG CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY”,敬请在支票后页注明申请人姓名及公司名称。
(1)   请不要联合付费,以避免几位申请者当中,其中一位申请者不符合资格被退回申请;
(2)   请不要将现金连同表格邮寄至巴生中总秘书处,避免在邮寄过程中遗失;
(3)    请暂时不要用现金存入巴生中总银行户口或电子转账付款方式,以避免查询不到付款人,一旦消费税执行,将影响消费税的呈报 。
有关统一呈交申请亚太平洋商务旅行卡的询问,请联络巴生中总秘书处,电话: 03-33439289,或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be implemented in Malaysia with effective from 1st April 2015 and the GST rate is fixed at 6 %.
KCCCI has registered for GST in compliance with the requirements under GST Act 2014. Details of GST registration for KCCCI are as follows:
Company Name: Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Company Registration Number: 00541
Company Address: 42A Lebuh Enggang, ​41050 Klang
Our GST Registration Number: 001328750592
As the fee of RM35.00 imposed on application for APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) falls under the Standard Rated Supply, GST at 6% will be imposed to the existing fee.
With the implementation of GST effective from 1st April 2015, fee imposed on each application for ABTC will be RM37.10 (all price inclusive of GST).  Cheque should be made payable to “KLANG CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ”. Please indicate applicant’s name and company name at the back of the cheque.
As we may encounter unexpected problems due to accounting software and other circumstances, during the early stage of implementation of GST, we hereby seek the understanding and cooperation from applicants as follows:
(1)  Please do not make joint payment, to avoid complication in transaction in the event that one of the applications is being rejected due to non-eligibility;
(2)  Please do not mail the application form together with cash payment, to avoid cash lost in the mail;
(3)  For time being, please do not make direct bank in or online fund transfer to KCCCI account. To avoid unknown transactions , of which we are unable to trace the payers, this will affect the submission of GST Return if such circumstance continues.
KCCCI will issue Tax Invoice and Official Receipt directly to the applicant upon clearance of payment transaction.
For those non-eligible applications or applications without complete information/ document, cheque will be returned.
For those eligible applications that have been duly checked by KCCCI and submitted to ACCCIM, via ACCCIM submitted to the Immigration Department, in the event that such application being rejected by Immigration Department, fee paid is not refundable.
Meanwhile should you require more information on unified submission of application for APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC), please contact KCCCI Secretariat by Tel: 03-3343 9289  or e-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (20150326 MC09.pdf)20150326 MC09.pdf[ ]728 Kb

Certificate of Origin Endorsement

kccci seminar

Certificate of Origin Endorsement
In line with the Government announcement on the GST Act 2014, we are pleased to inform you that we are GST registered and we will charge GST on our services supplied to you as our Customers where GST is applicable as governed by the GST Act 2014. 
Inclusive of GST effective from 1st April 2015, all the supplies by Klang Chinese Chamber of  Commerce and Industry will be subjected to GST at a standard rate of 6% which will be borne by you. 
CHARGES OF ENDORSEMENT ( Effective date from 1 April 2015 )




Charges/per signature

Before 1 April 2015

Charges/per signature

Effective from 1 April 2015

Certificate of Origin








CO Form




For your reference, our company details are as follows:
Company Name: Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Company Registration Number: 00541
Company Address: 42A Lebuh Enggang, 4
​1050 Klang
Download this file (20150326 MC06.pdf)20150326 MC06.pdf[ ]243 Kb