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Please be informed that the Selangor State Government had set up Selangor Information Technology and E-commerce Council (SITEC).
SITEC aims to help 100 SMEs in the state to go online by providing E-commerce class training and technical support in order to establish their online presence. SITEC would like to invite our chamber to recommend 10 members as the potential merchant to join this project. The final selection will be decided by SITEC council, which is chaired by Dato¡¯ Teng Chang Khim, Selangor Exco Member of Investment, Industry (SME) & Commerce and Transportation.
The nominated merchant need to fulfill the requirements as listed below:
1.    Must be owned by Malaysian citizen, either sole proprietorships or partnerships are eligible.
2.    Yearly revenue more than RM400,000 and minimum 5 full time staff. (Exemption maybe given upon application to SITEC council)
3.    Office/shop must be located within Selangor.
4.    The product of the merchant must be ready stock, pre-order business not allowed.
5.    The merchant need to have good track record, firm blacklisted by bank and other government agencies will be barred.
6.    Merchant that has no e-commerce experience will be given priority.
7.    The selected merchant need to attend all compulsory trainings provided by SITEC (10 classes, held once a month) either the staff or the owner.
Every merchant need to fill in the form (see the attachment) and the form must be endorsed by the chamber.
Interested members please forward the nomination form latest by 16th July 2015, to the Secretariat 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 or fax to number 03-4253 2524. If you have any query please feel free to contact Mr. Loo from SITEC executive unit via 012-9598210 or Mr. Ng from Secretariat via 03-4253 2135 .
Download this file (E6-32-15.pdf)E6-32-15.pdf[ ]100 Kb


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​所以,千万不要错过《大橙报》于2015年7月5日早上9点至下午5点,于Swiss Garden Hotel & Residence KL所举办的老板讲堂5.0,来自国内与海外的主讲嘉宾将分享如何通过投资、众筹、上市与金融的方式,协助你在​投资​路上腾飞!​
Details of Conference:
Title     : Big Orange BOSS SUMMIT 5.0
Date    :​​ ​05 July 2015 (Sun)
Time    : 9am to 5pm (Registration & breakfast start at 8:00am)
Venue  : Swiss Garden Hotel & Residences Kuala Lumpur​, ​​Grand Hibiscus Ballroom , Level 3 , South Tower 117,Jalan Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia​.​
The speakers are: 
(1) Keynote Speaker: 邱道勇先生 (中国 China)
深山老林创始人, 云海汇首席架构师
Topic to share:  中国股权众筹,​中国跨境众筹,新三板上市​
(2) Keynote Speaker: 唐一端先生 (中国 China)
Topic to share: 中国上市融资咨询
(3) Keynote Speaker: Mr. Michael Loo 罗梓汇先生 (马来西亚Malaysia)
Worldpeace Marketing Mentor
Topic to share:  掌握金融衍生品赢家的窍门
(4) Keynote Speaker: Ms.Ace Tang 陈叡萳女士 (马来西亚 Malaysia)
CEO of Big Orange Media Group(大橙传媒集团总裁)
Topic to share:  资本整合
​For the further verification , please feel free to contact:
Andrew Kam , Operation Manager , M: +6017 2919330
Liwen Kok, Assistant Operation Manager , M : +6018 2888 257
Kengy Ng , Advertising Sales and Marketing Manager , M : +6016 638 2939​
谨附上宣传单, 报名表格及位置图供您参阅。
Attached herewith Flyer, Registration Form and Location Map for your reference.


kccci seminar

KCCCI Council members name list for the term of 2015-2018
至诚感谢各位会员一直以来对本会的支持, 本会己於2015年6月27日举行董事复选. 
Kindly be informed that Second election of council members for the term of 2015-2018 has been held on 27th June 2015 . We appreciate all your support to the chamber throughout the years. The name list of Council members for the term of 2015-2018 as per attached file for your reference.


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2015 巴生中华总商会会员大会

kccci seminar

日期:2015年6月20日 (星期六)
地点 :巴生中华总商会礼堂
Download this file (1_5_Notice_Agenda_and_Programme.pdf)1_5_Notice_Agenda_and_Programme.pdf[ ]1016 Kb

OCAC's 2015 Vegetarian Lifestyle Training Course

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Overseas Community Affairs Council’s 2015 Vegetarian Lifestyle Training Course
Overseas Community Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2015 Vegetarian Lifestyle Training Course from 17th to 28th August 2015 with the objective to enhance business management capability and increase the interaction between businesses and Taiwanese industries. Programmes include making of vegetarian cuisine, basic entrepreneurship courses and visits to related well-known companies.
Participants are those interested in learning vegetarian cuisine or developing new business opportunity, aged between 20 - 65 years old and have working knowledge in Mandarin.  Each company and family can only send one participant.
OCAC will pay for lunches (excluded Sunday), course fee and administrative charges during the programme. Participants are required to pay for their own meals and accommodation, return air fare and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachments for brief introduction and registration form.
Interested members are required to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat by 17th June 2015.  Submission without complete information or late submission will not be attended. 


ACCCIM Survey on Goods and Services Tax (GST) Implementation

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ACCCIM Survey on Goods and Services Tax (GST) Implementation
每个属会将获分配50份问卷。为方便内部追踪及记录,请所有属会在访问商家的同时填写附件B之表格。属会如需要问卷的电子档,请到中总网站 (www.acccim.org.my) 下载。
Malaysia has implemented the Goods and Services Tax (GST) with effect from 1st April 2015. Since then, the business community and the public have been encountering with issues and problems.  The ACCCIM is conducting Survey on GST Implementation to collect and compile issues and problems encountered by businesses for onward submission and deliberation with the relevant Government Ministries and Agencies so as to seek measures to resolve these issues.
Each constituent chamber will be alloted 50 set of questionnaire.  For internal record purpose, all constituent chambers are requested to record respondents detail by completing form B (as attached).  Constituent Chambers who require additional questionnaires, the e-version of the questionnaires can be downloaded from ACCCIM website at www.acccim.org.my.
ACCCIM Life Honorary Presidents, National Council Members, Executive Advisers and Eminent Members and member of Working Committees will receive one set of questionnaire each from ACCCIM Secretariat.  The closing date for the survey is 31st July 2015.  We seek your cooperation to return the duly completed questionnaire to ACCCIM Secretariat before closing date to facilitate compilation.
Meanwhile, should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms Poh of ACCCIM Secretariat.


Download this file (ACCCIM 2015 GST Survey CH.pdf)ACCCIM 2015 GST Survey CH.pdf[ ]696 Kb
Download this file (ACCCIM 2015 GST Survey EN.pdf)ACCCIM 2015 GST Survey EN.pdf[ ]509 Kb
Download this file (Form B.xls)Form B.xls[ ]35 Kb


kccci seminar

​​地点:BUKIT TINGGI,PREMIERE HOTEL (Bandar Bukit Tinggi 1/KS6, Jalan Langat 41200 Klang,Selangor D.E, Malaysia.)
09.30am :来宾报到与茶点
10.00am :联昌银行代表致欢迎词
10.25am :联昌银行与星洲网主持林德成呈现
10.45am :孔令龙局绅主题演讲
12.00pm :回答环节
12.30pm :赠送感谢状及合照
12.35pm :午餐与交流会
Download this file (1. 20150630 Flyer.jpg)1. 20150630 Flyer.jpg[ ]895 Kb
Download this file (2. Speaker_Profile.ppt)2. Speaker_Profile.ppt[ ]853 Kb
Download this file (3. Registration Form.pdf)3. Registration Form.pdf[ ]81 Kb

ACCCIM Delegation to Indonesia in Participation of 13th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention

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ACCCIM Delegation to Bali, Indonesia in participation of 13th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention
(25-9-2015 to 28-9-2015)
1.  由印尼中华总商会主办,并获得印尼政府全力支持的第13届世界华商大会,将于2015年9月25日至28日,于印尼巴厘岛努沙杜瓦会展中心盛大举行。大会以“融聚华商·共赢在印尼”为主题。
2.  大会暂定节目表
日期 节目
25-9-2015 (星期五) 全天报到、欢迎晚宴
26-9-2015 (星期六) 开幕仪式、世界名人经济论坛、主题分论坛
27-9-2015 (星期日) 高尔夫球友谊赛、观光团、交接仪式、闭幕式暨2015世界华商中秋大联欢


3.  第十三届世界华商大会报名费
参会代表 每人USD 450 【RM1,665】
随行人员(配偶、家属,只限一人)每人USD 350 【RM1,295】
(1)   大会期间的午餐、茶歇和晚餐;
(2)   会议期间的交通(机场-大会指定合作酒店以及大会指定合作酒店-大会会场间往返接送服务);
(3)   会议期间出席下列活动的费用:
4. 谨此邀请中总永久名誉会长、名誉会长、中央理事会成员、名誉顾问、杰出会员、工作组成员以及各属会会员商家踊跃报名。敬请各属会将此信息传达会员商家,并鼓励彼等踊跃报名。
5. 参会者请填具“报名表格”,并连同相关资料和支票于2015年7月10日之前寄至中总秘书处,以便进一步协调及安排。
6. 如有询问,请联络中总秘书处林丽珊(Lim Li Sang) 或张采虹 (Rainbow Teow),电话 :03-42603090, 电邮 : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 。谨此函达。
ACCCIM Delegation to Bali, Indonesia in participation of the
13th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (25-9-2015 to 28-9-2015)
1. Organised by the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneurs Association (PERPIT), and supported by the Indonesian Government, the 13th World Chinese Entrepreneus Convention (13th WCEC) will be held from 25th to 28th September 2015 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Bali, Indonesia. The theme for the 13th WCEC is “Uniting Chinese Entrepreneurs, Accomplishing Mutual Success in Indonesia”.
Upon invitation from the organiser, ACCCIM will organise a delegation to participate at the 13th WCEC.
2. Tentative Programme
Date Programme
25-9-2015 (Friday)
Full Day Registration & Welcoming Dinner
26-9-2015 (Saturday)
Grand Opening Ceremony, Economic Forum and Seminar
27-9-2015 (Sunday)
Golf friendly-match, Sightseeing, Hand-over Ceremony, Gala Dinner and Closing Ceremony
For more details, kindly refer to http://www.13thwcec.com/cn/index.php
3. Registration Fee for 13th WCEC
Delegate USD 450 per person【RM1,665】
Accompanying Member  USD 350 per person【RM1,295】
(spouse or family member, up to one person per delegate)
Registration Fee include:
(1)            Lunch, coffee break and dinner during the Convention;
(2)            Airport transfer and bus shuttle service during the Convention (between airport and the official hotel);
(3)            Activities fees during the Convention:
Opening Ceremony, Panel Discussion, Business Forum, Closing Ceremony, Handover Ceremony & Gala Dinner, Sight-seeing tour.
4.  We cordially invite ACCCIM Life Honorary Presidents, Honorary Presidents, Members of National Council, Honorary Advisers, Eminent Members, Members of Working Committees and members of  Constituent Members to participate at the 13th WCEC. Constituent members are requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation.
5. Interested participants are requested to return the duly completed registration form together with relevant information and payment to the ACCCIM Secretariat latest by 10th July 2015 for our necessary actions.
6. Meanwhile, should you require more information on this matter, please contact Ms. Lim Li Sang or Ms. Rainbow Teow or of ACCCIM Secretariat at 03-4260 3090 or 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .