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Training Course on “Customers Buying Psychology”

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Training Course on “Customers Buying Psychology”
The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) will be organizing a training course on “Customers Buying Psychology” on 23rd March 2016 (Wednesday). The full day training is scheduled as follows :
Date: 23rd March 2016 (Wednesday)
Time: 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Seminar Room
1st Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber,
258, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Speaker: Mr. CB Chooi
Medium: English
Fee: RM480 per pax (include refreshments, lunch, notes & 6% GST)
* 10% discounts will be given to company with 5 participants
* 15% discounts will be given to company with more than 5 participants
*  claimable under HRDF ~ SBL
*  cheque payable to “KLSCCCI”
Closing Date: 18th March 2016 (Friday)
Attached herewith the programme and registration form for your reference. We cordially invite your Association to convey the information of the training to your members and encourage them to participate actively.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. Koh K.S. of the Secretariat at Tel : 03-4253 2135; Fax : 03-4253 2524 / 0; 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (Course Overview.pdf)Course Overview.pdf[ ]364 Kb
Download this file (Registration Form Seminar.pdf)Registration Form Seminar.pdf[ ]287 Kb

Invitation To SIRIM RASA Industry Networking

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Invitation To SIRIM RASA Industry Networking
Please be informed that SIRIM Berhad will be organising SIRIM RASA Industry Networking on 9th March 2016 (Wednesday).
SIRIM would like to invite your organization to attend the networking session. The networking session aims to familiarise and engage the industry regarding the available services and facilities offered by SIRIM Machinery Technology Center at Zurah Industrial Park, Rasa and facilitate further discussion with the industry on the possible utilization of SIRIM’s machinery & facilities for industrial training purposes or actual production.
The event is scheduled as follows :
Date: 9th March 2016  (Wednesday)
Time: 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 noon
No.1A, Persiaran Zurah,
Kawasan Perindustrian Rasa,
44200 Hulu Selangor,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Closing Date: 7th March 2016 (Monday)
Attached herewith the programme, and registration form. We cordially invite all members to participate actively and revert the duly completed registration slip to Secretariat latest by 7th March 2016 (Monday) to facilitate arrangements.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. Adnan B. Md. Sharif of Principle Consultant, Machinery Tech. Centre, SIRIM via 03-5544 5986 / 019-2637 288; 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 or Mr. Koh Kok Soo of the Secretariat at Tel : 03-4253 2135; Fax : 03-4253 2524 / 0; 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (Invitation Card.pdf)Invitation Card.pdf[ ]127 Kb

Entrepreneurship Management and Corporate Visit to Feruni Ceramiche Sdn Bhd

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Entrepreneurship Management and Corporate Visit to Feruni Ceramiche Sdn Bhd
Date: 11st April 2016 (Monday) 
Time: 9.30am-1.30pm
Venue: Feruni Ceramiche Sdn Bhd
Fee: RM 30 per person
Due the limited seats, the registration was based on first come first serve! 
We enclose herewith the Feruni Ceramiche Sdn Bhd's map and the registration form for your further action. Interested members kindly submit the duly completed registration form to KCCCI secretariat by latest 31 Mar 2016.
For further enquiries, please contact KCCCI Secretariat at Tel: 03-33439289, Fax: 03-33447362 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。  
Download this file (20160411 Registration form.pdf)20160411 Registration form.pdf[ ]157 Kb
Download this file (map.pdf)map.pdf[ ]118 Kb

South African High Comission & Malaysia-South Africa Business Council (MSABC) Trade & Investment Day

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You may be aware that South Africa has recently unveiled its industrial and Infrastructure programme. This programme is similar to Malaysia's Economic Transformation Programme. In fact, South Africa has followed Malaysia's lead in development. Just last year, South Africa adopted the Malaysian Government's 'Big Fast Results' methodology. We refer to it South Africa as 'Operation Phakisa'.
The key areas of focus for South Africa are Infrastructure Development especially in the Housing Sector, the 'Blue Economy' (oil & gas, aqua culture), Health, Education and the Energy Sector.
I would therefore like to showcase to Malaysia investors and business people opportunities South Africa presents in these areas. Therefore, I would like to invite your good-self and the members from your Organisation to a seminar on 'South African Trade and Investment Opportunities'.
The Seminar will be addressed by the South African Ministers of Human Settiements (Housing and Urban Wellbeing), Honourable Ms Lindiwe Sisulu as well as the Minister of Small Business Development Honourable Lindiwe Zulu.
The Sminar will be on:
Date: 16th March 2016 (Wed)
Venue: Starhill 5, JW Marriott Hotel KL
Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm (Seminar), 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Cocktail Reception)
Please view the seminar details on PDF file attached.
Kindly confirm your attendance with Ms Chang at telephone no. 03-2170 2400 or email to 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .
Download this file (26022016144941.pdf)26022016144941.pdf[ ]64 Kb

Update from HKETO: Budget 2016-17 highlights

kccci seminar

Greetings from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office!   The Office wishes you health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year of the Monkey! 
The Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr John C Tsang, delivered his 2016 Budget Speech yesterday (February 24).  As he outlined, our economy grew 2.4% in 2015, and he projected that our economy would grow 1 - 2 % in 2016.  He forecast that the headline inflation rate for 2016 would be 2.3% with an underlying inflation rate at 2%.   
Attached is the leaflet of the 2016-17 Budget for your information please. 
Details are available on this website: http://www.budget.gov.hk/2016/eng/index.html. 
Some highlights below, among others, that might be of your interest are: 
Mr Tsang said Hong Kong's 320 000 SMEs employ 50 per cent of the private sector workforce.  He said he would reduce profits tax for 2015-16 by 75 per cent, subject to a ceiling of $20,000. This proposal will benefit 130 000 taxpayers. Business registration fees will also be waived for 2016-17 to benefit 1.3 million business operators. 
To enhance the long-term competitiveness of SMEs, a Pilot Technology Voucher Programme under the Innovation and Technology Fund will be launched to subsidise the use of technological services and solutions to improve productivity and upgrade or transform business processes. 
The three-year pilot programme will provide, on a matching basis, a maximum subsidy of $200,000 for each eligible SME. Estimated expenditure is $500 million. 
To stabilise the employment market and help SMEs tide over liquidity needs, he introduced three measures: 
* Extend the application period for the "special concessionary measures" under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme to February 28, 2017; 
* Reduce the annual guarantee fee rate for the measures by 10 per cent; and 
* Remove the minimum guarantee fee for the measures. 
Mr Tsang unveiled a number of measures to help the tourism industry, which contributes 5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 270 000 people and is entering a period of consolidation.  Three short-term measures costing $140 million would be introduced: 
* Waive licence fees for 1 800 travel agents for one year; 
* Waive licence fees for 2 000 hotels and guesthouses for one year; and 
* Waive licence fees for restaurants and hawkers and fees for restricted food permits for one year, benefiting 27 000 restaurants and operators. 
Mr Tsang also allocated $240 million to launch five medium-term measures: 
* Expand the scale of major events this year, including the inaugural Formula E Championship, the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival, the Hong Kong Cyclothon and additional Pulse 3D Light Shows at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre; 
* Through the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), repackage Hong Kong's tourism image; 
* Through the HKTB, assist the industry to open up new visitor sources; 
* Help small and medium-sized travel agents make use of information technology to enhance the competitiveness of the industry; and 
* Continue to promote Hong Kong's natural scenery as well as its unique history and culture. 
In the long run, tourism infrastructure will continue to be upgraded, including Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park, tourism projects at Kai Tak and Lantau, and new conference facilities above the proposed Exhibition Station of the Shatin to Central Link. 
Download this file (2016-17 Budget leaflet-Eng.pdf)2016-17 Budget leaflet-Eng.pdf[ ]6088 Kb

PEMUDAH’s Quick Survey on Usage of Payroll System

kccci seminar

The PEMUDAH Focus Group on Paying Taxes is conducting a quick survey on usage of payroll system by Malaysian enterprises.  Findings of the survey will be useful for improvement of Malaysia’s global ranking on ease of doing business.
Respondents are required to answer YES or No only, and will only take about 1-2 minutes.
Constituent Chambers are kindly requested to disseminate the attached quick survey to members so as to encourage participation.
We also seek the cooperation of ACCCIM office-bearers and working committees members to take part in this survey.
Kindly return the duly completed survey to ACCCIM Secretariat not later than 20th February 2016 by email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 or Fax: 03-4260 3080.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Ivy Chooi of ACCCIM Secretariat by Tel: 03-4260 3090 / 3091 / 3092 .
Download this file (Quick Survey Payroll System.doc)Quick Survey Payroll System.doc[ ]62 Kb

马来西亚对外贸易发展局调整市场开发援助金 (MDG)

kccci seminar

Revisions of the Market Development Grant (MDG) by MATRADE
A.     中小型企业
• 在1965年公司法令下注册成立之公司;
•  至少 60%股权为马来西亚籍人士持有;
• 从事出口马来西亚商品或服务;并符合以下标准:
1.    制造业(包括农业为基础行业)
i. 公司年度营业额不超过5千万令吉(以公司最新经审核之财务报表为准)或
ii. 公司全职员工不超过200人(以公司最新雇员公积金记录为准)
2.    贸易
i. 公司年度营业额不超过2千万令吉(以公司最新经审核之财务 报表为准)或
ii. 公司全职员工不超过75人(以公司最新雇员公积金记录为准)
3.    服务业(不包括地产、旅游、金融业、保险业)
i. 公司年度营业额不超过2千万令吉(以公司最新经审核之财务 报表为准)或
ii. 公司全职员工不超过75人(以公司最新雇员公积金记录为准)
B.     专业服务供应商(独资或合资经营)
·        在1956年商业法令下注册成立或在与专业服务供应商相关的法定机构里注册
·        至少60%股权为马来西亚籍人士持有;
·        从事出口马来西亚服务,并符合以下条件:
i.                     年度营业额不超过2千万令吉(以最新经审核之财务报表为准)或
ii.                  全职员工不超过75人(以最新雇员公积金记录为准)
C.     贸易与工商协会、商会及其他专业机构
·        在马来西亚社团注册局或其他相关专业机构注册成立
1.    在马来西亚对外贸易发展局属下的大马出口商注册下登记;
2.    须为活跃的公司或商业机构;
3.    非政府关联企业或政府(包括联邦政府和州政府)持有股份之公司;
4.    经由其他第三方机构赞助或已接受其他第三方机构财政补贴(如政府部门、贸易与工商协会、商会及其他专业机构等)的出口推广活动,将不被纳入MDG 补贴对象范围 ;
5.    所有申请文件必须通过网上提交,并在活动结束后的40天内发至马来西亚对外贸 易发展局。所有逾期的申请一律不给予考虑。
2016 MDG补贴调整如下:
a)        贸易及投资考察团单次补贴上限由800令吉升至2000令吉;
b)        对其他政府单位,商会,贸易与工商协会及相关专业团体所主办的的专业市场考察团单次补贴上限由800令吉升至2000令吉;
c)        注册成立未满1年的活跃公司可申请MDG。


























敬请各属会将此信息传达会员商家是盼。更多详情,请浏览马来西亚对外贸易发展局官方网站:http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/malaysian-exporters/services-for-exporters/exporters-development/exports-assistance或联络马来西亚对外贸易发展局MDG单位,电话:+603-6207 7593,传真:+603-6203 7252, 电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .。
We are pleased to inform that MATRADE has made revisions to the Market Development Grant (MDG) on 1st December 2015 to enable more eligible Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to avail themselves of the MDG.
1)       OBJECTIVE - The Market Development Grant (MDG) is designed to assist Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce & Professional Bodies in undertaking eligible export promotional activities.
2)       FORM OF GRANT - A reimbursable financial assistance on eligible expenses incurred in undertaking export promotional activities.
3)       GRANT CEILING - The maximum grant for any eligible company under the MDG program is RM 200,000.00. Any applicant that has utilised the maximum grant of RM200,000.00 since the commencement of MDG in 2002, is not eligible for consideration. This grant also will be subject to the availability of fund.
A.   Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
• Incorporated under the Companies Act 1965;
• At least 60% equity is owned by Malaysian(s);
• Exporting products made in Malaysia or Malaysian services; and fulfilling the following criteria:
1.       Manufacturing (including agro-based):
i. Annual sales turnover not exceeding RM50 million (based on the latest Audited Financial Statement) OR
ii. Full-time employees not exceeding 200 (based on the latest EPF Statement)
2.       Trading
i. Annual sales turnover not exceeding RM20 million (based on the latest Audited Financial Statement) OR
ii. Full-time employees not exceeding 75 (based on the latest EPF Statement)
3.       Services (excluding real estate, tourism, financial & insurance industry):
i. Annual sales turnover not exceeding RM20 million (based on the latest Audited Financial Statement) OR
ii. Full-time employees not exceeding 75 (based on the latest EPF Statement)
B.   Professional Service Providers (Sole Proprietor or Partnership)
·       Incorporated under the Registration of Business Act (1956) /   Registered under the respective statutory bodies for professional services providers;
·       At least 60% equity owned by Malaysian;
·       Exporting Malaysian services; and fulfill any of the following criteria:
i.      Annual sales turnover not exceeding RM20 million (based on the latest Audited Financial Statement) OR
ii.     Full-time employees not exceeding 75 (based on the latest EPF Statement)
C.  Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce & Professional Bodies
·      Registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) or Associated Professional Authority.
1.         Registered with MATRADE under the Malaysia Exporters Registry (MER);
2.         An active business entity;
3.         Not a Government Linked Company (GLCs) or have Government equity (federal or state);
4.         Export promotional activities which are subsidised or sponsored by third parties (e.g Ministries or Government agencies/Trade and Industry Associations/Chambers of Commerce/Professional Bodies and Others) are not eligible for MDG;
5.         For consideration, all complete applications must be submitted online and received by MATRADE within forty (40) days from the last date of the activity. All late applications will not be considered.
a)                 The maximum grant amount has been increased from RM800 to RM2,000 for Trade & Investment Mission activities;
b)                 The maximum grant amount has been increased from RM800 to RM2,000 for Specialised Marketing Mission (SMM) activities organised by other Government agencies, Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce & Industry and professional bodies;
c)                  Active companies that are in operation for less than a year can apply for the MDG.
The following information is extracted from the MDG Guidelines dated 1st December 2015:
The table below indicates the amount of grant to be reimbursed for the eligible activities:



International Trade Fairs in Malaysia

Maximum reimbursement of RM 5,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

International Trade Fairs Overseas

Maximum reimbursement of RM 15,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

Trade & Investment Missions (MITI and Agencies)

Maximum of RM 2,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

Trade & Investment Missions organised by other Government Agencies, Chambers of Commerce Trade and Industry Associations and Professional Bodies

Maximum of RM 2,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

Specialised Marketing Missions (SMM) by MATRADE

Maximum of RM 10,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

Specialised Marketing Missions (SMM) organised by other Government Agencies, Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce/Professional Bodies

Maximum of RM 2,000 per company per participation or the actual participation fees whichever is lower.

International Conferences Overseas

Maximum of RM 2,500 per company per conference or the actual participation fees whichever is lower. 

Listing Fee for Made in Malaysia products in Supermarkets/   Hypermarkets/ Retail Centres Overseas

Maximum of RM 20,000 per company per Supermarket/ Hypermarket/ Retail Centre per country or the actual listing fee, whichever is lower.

Constituent Chambers are requested to disseminate the information to members. For more information, please visit MATRADE’s website http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/malaysian-exporters/services-for-exporters/exporters-development/exports-assistance or contact MATRADE MDG Unit by Telephone: +603-6207 7593, Fax: +603-6203 7252, E-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .

大橙报诚邀您出席 大橙老板讲堂7​.0:东盟创投与投资大会

kccci seminar

大橙报诚邀您出席 “大橙老板讲堂7​.0:东盟创投与投资大会” 
Invitation to Big Orange BOSS Summit: ASEAN Venture Capital & Investment Forum
24.01.2016(星期天)8:15am ~ 6:00pm, Ballroom 1,​The Place@One City USJ
由大橙报举办, 马电讯为合作单位 (Telekom Malaysia Berhad) ,雪兰莪铁船集团 (Selangor Dredging Berhad) 为赞助单位。
·    邱道勇(中国):深山老林创始人与云海汇首席架构师。分享主题 : 创投时代百年难得的机遇
·    邱旭瑜(中国):广东省律师协会理事与深圳市律师协会风险管理法律主任。分享主题:真正通过资本运作​上市​ IP​O​法律渠道
·    王伟(中国):北京宏邦投资管理有限公司董事长与广东宏邦科技孵化器有限公司董事长。分享主题:怎样拿风投的钱?
·    拿督吴明权(马来西亚):B & G Capital Resources Berhad ( BGCR) 董事经理。分享主题:马来西亚与东盟投资市场机遇
·    陈叡萳(马来西亚):大橙报传媒集团总裁。分享主题:创建优质的品牌策略
We are pleased to invite you to the Big Orange BOSS Summit: ASEAN Venture Capital & Investment Forum, organized by Big Orange Media Group, in-partnership with TM (Telekom Malaysia Berhad), and sponsoring by Selangor Dredging Berhad (SDB). Come to hear from the investment experts from China & Malaysia on this 1-day summit which will be conducted in Mandarin. 
​W​e are now pleased to invite you to this forum on 24th January 2016 (Sun) at The Place@One City USJ. As our exclusive invited guest, there is NO CHARGE for you to attend the forum. We have included breakfast, lunch and tea-break for all delegates. So while we host, please do join us and get to network with 200 delegates who are venture capitals, angel investors, businessmen and entrepreneurs from Malaysia, China and other Asian countries. 
​​​Details of Big Orange BOSS Summit 7.0 : ASEAN Venture Capital & Investment Forum
Event Date      : 24th January 2016 (Sunday)
Arrival Time     : 9am to 6pm (Registration & breakfast starts at 8.15) 
Event Venue   : Ballroom 1 (Level R),The Place@One City USJ
                        ( Jalan USJ 25/1, ​47650 Subang Jaya , Selangor , Malaysia )​
Dress Code     : Business Attire
Thank you and we look forward to your attendance as our guest. Your presence will be our honor at this event. TQVM
​Please RSVP immediately with Big Orange Media Group :
Please fax the completed RSVP form attached with your business card to: +603 8063 6786, or
Please email your full details:(Name, Company Name, Designation, Type of Business, Company URL, Mobile Number & Email ) to: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Or please call Ms.Yan Yee at tel: +603 8063 8773                                     
(Note: The organiser will revert accordingly on the confirmation of your RSVP)

Seminar - The Power of 10+: Applying Placemaking at Every Scale

kccci seminar

We are pleased to invite you to The Power of 10+: Applying Placemaking at Every Scale Seminar which held as below: 
Date: 29th Jan 2016 (Friday)
Time: 3:00pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Conference Room, KCCCI
Speaker: Cynthia Nitikim
Language: English
Due the limited seats, the registration was based on first come first serve! 
We enclose herewith the flyer , speaker's profile and registration form for your further action. Interested members kindly submit the duly completed registration form to KCCCI secretariat by latest 25 Jan 2016.
For further enquiries, please contact KCCCI Secretariat at Tel: 03-33439289, Fax: 03-33447362 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。