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Shenzhen - Kuala Lumpur Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference 2016

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China (Shenzhen) - Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference 2016 (26-5-2016)
In order to implement the “One Belt and One Road” development strategy and promote the trade and economic relationship and cooperation between China Shenzhen Municipality and Malaysia, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) in collaboration with Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen Municipality will organise the “China (Shenzhen)- Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference”  on 26th May 2016 (Thursday), 2.30 p.m. at the Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel.
Deputy Secretary of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Shenzhen Municipality, Mr. Ma Xingrui will attend the Conference and deliver a speech. This Conference is supported by Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Malaysia-China Business Council and the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM). Details are as follows:
Date: 26th May 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Level 2, Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel, 165, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Free Admission
A delegation with a total of 21 enterprises, estimated 50 delegates from Shenzhen City will participate in this Conference. The participating enterprises are diversified, including cross-border E-commerce, logistics and energy equipment supplier, nuclear technology, communication industry, medical supplies, construction industry, marine organisms technology, logistics service providers and financial services. They are interested to establish relationship and cooperation with local industries and businesses.
The programme of Conference will include business matching, “Go Global” business forum, Shenzhen- Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation Signing Ceremony, and also introduction of economic development, trade & investment and international cooperation of Shenzhen, China. Simultaneous interpretation service will be provided for conference.
Enclosed herewith the tentative programme, list of enterprises and registration form for your reference.
We cordially invite All members to participate actively. Admission is free, interested members please submit the duly completed registration form to the KCCCI Secretariat latest by 20th May 2016 (Friday) to facilitate arrangements. Should you have any enquiries, please contact KCCCI Secretariat at Tel : 03-33439289; Fax : 03-33447362; e-mail : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


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Forum on E-Commerce Management Strategies and Trends
由世华多媒体有限公司电子商务平台 Logon(热购)主办,马来西亚中华总商会(中总)、城邦出版社协办的“2016年电子商务经营策略与趋势论坛”,将于2016年5月20日(星期五)上午10时于首邦市The Place @ One City 宴会厅 [Ballroom (I,II,III), Level R, The Place @ One City USJ 25/1, 47650 Subang Jaya, Selangor] 举行。
论坛开幕嘉宾是中总总会长拿督戴良业。主办单位邀请了三位来自台湾的重量级讲者,即:有台湾网络教父之称的PChome Online网络家庭董事长詹宏志先生,主讲跨境电商;被称为台湾电商教父的九易资本董事长何英圻先生,主讲行动商务专题;以及funP云沛新集团暨cacaFly圣洋科执行长邱继弘先生则将针对社群深造及数位行销专题开讲。
若在5月1 日之前报名及付费者,可以享有优惠配套,除了可以RM190购的得入场劵外,也可以获得另一场在5月22日由SITEC举办的电子商务讲座的入场劵,优惠仅限首300人,而且是在5月1日前送完为止。
优惠送完后,收费为每人RM380。有意报名者可致电1300-88-0023询问详情,或在办公时间前往位于星洲日报总社的Logon Square报名.
论坛宣传册子请参阅附件,更多详情请浏览www.logon.my 。谢谢。


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Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) will be organising a Trade Talk@MATRADE: Business Opportunities In Latin America at the following date, time and venue:
Date : 26 April 2016
Time : 9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Venue : Perdana Hall, Level 6, West Wing
Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur    
2. The objective of the event is to provide exporters with necessary skills and knowledge in developing their strategies to penetrate Latin America market.  
3. The speakers for this event are from UniKL, Embassy of Mexico, Peru and Chile. In addition, exporters can also share the experience with companies that have been successful in exporting to Latin America. 
4. This seminar is free of charge (FOC). The Online Registration Form is accessible from our website at http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/online-applications/matrades-exporters-training-programme/470. The closing date for registration is on 22 April 2016.  For more information please contact Ms Norshahida Othman at 03-62077812 or e-mail: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 , or Mr Mohd Amin Bakar at 03 62077218 or email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。


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Invitation to SERC Global Economic Conference 2016
马来西亚中华总商会(中总)将于2015年5月30日(星期一)假马来西亚雪兰莪万达酒店 (One World Hotel, Selangor, Malaysia) 主办2016中总经济大会。
§  英国资深政治分析家及前英国外交事务职业外交官Mr. Alastair Newton
§  马来西亚民主及经济事务研究中心Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Tuanku Muhriz
§  马来西亚厂商公会会长暨中总社会经济研究中心董事拿督斯里苏子文
§  香港中华总商会永远名誉会长蔡冠深博士
§  韩国中华总商会名誉会长袁国栋博士
§  新加坡中华总商会外事委员会副主席谢锦发先生
§  中国北京大学汇丰商学院院长海闻教授
§  印尼雅加达波士顿咨询集团执行董事Mr. Eddy Tambato
§  马来西亚南方钢铁有限公司董事拿督陈达怀博士
§  英国牛津大学化学工程崔占峰教授
§  日本FANUC公司高级技术主任榊原伸介先生
§  马来西亚吉隆坡波士顿咨询集团执行董事Mr. Ching-Fong Ong
§  马来西亚中华总商会(中总)第二副总秘书暨筹委会主席丹斯里拿督张昌国。
有关询问,请联系中总秘书处林丽珊小姐或崔文静小姐,电话:+603-42603090 / 3091 / 3092 或传真:+603-42603080 或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 。谢谢!
We are pleased to inform that the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) is organising the SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 on 30th May 2015 (Monday) at the One World Hotel, Selangor, Malaysia.
With the theme “Geopolitics, Economy, Technology – The New Normal”, this one-day high-impact global economic conference will be conducted in English, and great thinkers in the areas of geopolitics, economy and technology both at home and abroad will share their insights on forces that are driving the mega transformation, and how can participants position themselves to benefit from this transformation to the “new normal”.
Distinguished speakers / panelists / moderators are:
§  From United Kingdom, Mr. Alastair Newton, Senior Political Analyst and former career diplomat with the British foreign service;
§  From Malaysia, YAM Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Tuanku Muhriz, Director of Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS);
§  From Malaysia, Datuk Seri Saw Choo Boon, President of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) cum Director of SERC Sdn. Bhd.;
§  From Hong Kong, Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum, Life Honorary Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
§  From People’s Republic of Korea, Dr. Yuan Kuo Tung, Honorary President of the Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce
§  From Singapore, Mr. Chia Kim Huat, Vice-Chairman, External Relations Committee of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
§  From People’s Republic of China, Professor Hai Wen, Founding Dean, HSBC Business School of Peking University
§  From Indonesia, Mr. Eddy Tambato, Senior Partner & Managing Director of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Jakarta
§  From Malaysia, Dato’ Dr. Tan Tat Wai, Director, Southern Steel Berhad
§  From United Kingdom, Professor Cui Zhanfeng, Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Oxford University
§  From Japan, Mr. Shinsuke Sakakibara, Senior Technical Executive, Robot Laboratory, FANUC Corporation
§  From Malaysia, Mr. Ching-Fong (CF) Ong, Senior Partner & Managing Director of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Kuala Lumpur
§  From Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok, Deputy Secretary-General II of ACCCIM cum Chairman of the Organising Committee
Participation fee is RM 300 for members of ACCCIM Constituent Chambers, and RM 1,000 for non-members. HRDF members are entitled to claim under SBL Scheme.  
Members of all working committees are encouraged to participate.  We are pleased to enclose herewith the Promotional Brochure and Registration Form for your necessary action.
Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact Ms. Lim Li Sang or Ms. Ivy Chooi of the ACCCIM Secretariat at Tel: +603-42603090 / 3091 / 3092 or Fax: +603-42603080 or Email:   该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


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Invitation to Seminar on Family Business Succession
马来西亚中华总商会(中总)谨订于2016年4月27日(星期三),上午9时30分假吉隆坡中华总商会大厦成枫堂(Seng Peng Hall, Wisma Chinese Chamber, Grond Floor, 258, Jalan Ampang,50450 Kuala Lumpur) 主办家族企业传承讲座。讲座由中总副总会长拿督斯里祝友成硕士主持开幕。协办单位是吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会和巴生中华总商会,支持单位为香港中文大学经济金融研究中心。
敬请各属会将上述信息传达会员商家,鼓励彼等踊跃出席讲座。谨此函达。任何询问,请联络中总秘书处林丽珊小姐或崔文静小姐,电话:03-4260 3090/91或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Download this file (brochure 2016.pdf)brochure 2016.pdf[ ]179 Kb
Download this file (registration form (1).pdf)registration form (1).pdf[ ]139 Kb
Download this file (Tentative Programme.pdf)Tentative Programme.pdf[ ]348 Kb

2016 上半年巴生滨海区营商状况

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2016 上半年巴生滨海区营商状况
Survey on Business Environment of Klang and Coastal Selangor for the first (1st) half of 2016

这是巴生中华总商会 (巴生中总)进行2016 上半年巴生滨海区营商状况的调查问卷。此调查的目的是反映巴生滨海区商家所面临的困境和问题。
巴生滨海区商家可向巴生中总秘书处,各配合乡团,社团及商团索取问卷。除此之外,大家可到巴生中总官网下载问卷或在网上作答 http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/kcccisurvey (网上问卷调查,截止日期:2016年7月31日)。
请您回答下列问题后, (传真03 – 3344 7362 或电邮 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 寄回巴生中总秘书处。谢谢您的支持及合作。
This is a survey conducted by the Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) on the business environment of Klang and Coastal Selangor for the first (1st) half of 2016. 
The objective of this survey is to highlight the issues that are faced by the business community. The information obtained will be presented to the relevant authorities to improve the business environment. 
The questionnaire can be obtained from KCCCI Secretariat and the associations in Klang and Coastal Selangor. Besides, you may also visit KCCCI website for the questionnaire or online survey @ http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/kcccisurvey (Due date of online survey: 31/07/2016 ).
We seek your cooperation to complete the survey and return to the KCCCI Secretariat (Fax : 03 – 3344 7362, Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 ). Thank you.
Download this file (2016_1st_half_survey_form.pdf)2016_1st_half_survey_form.pdf[ ]527 Kb

东盟–昆明铁路 - 它将如何大幅度改变您的企业环境”讲座

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“东盟–昆明铁路 — 它将如何大幅度改变您的企业环境”讲座
配合订于2016年4月16日(星期六)召开的第4次小组会议,本会财经研究组也将于会议开始前先邀请联昌证券董事经理,区域研究主管兼马来西亚研究主管Mr. Michael Greenall主讲“东盟–昆明铁路 — 它将如何大幅度改变您的企业环境”。有关详情如下:
地点:隆雪中总  1楼研讨室
特此邀请贵会商务暨财经研究组出席有关讲座。任何询问,请联络本会秘书处张僖珉小姐,电话:03-4253 2135;传真:03-4253 2524 / 0;电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Download this file (reply_form_20160416.pdf)reply_form_20160416.pdf[ ]268 Kb


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本会与元大证卷股份有限公司将于2016年4月28日下午2时正喜粤海鲜酒家举办 “资金无国界-马商永续经营思维下之多元对策研讨会 ”, 下午6点半开始是“晚宴交流”。 有意出席者,请联络本会秘书处 03-33439289。
Download this file (11042016160546.pdf)11042016160546.pdf[ ]51 Kb


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ACCCIM Survey Report of the Economic Situation of Malaysia 
for the 2nd Half of 2015
中总商务组进行之《2015下半年我国经济状况调查报告》经于2016年3月29日正式公布。报告重点摘要与全文已上载中总网站www.acccim.org.my 供参阅。
The ACCCIM Survey Report of the Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2015 conducted by ACCCIM Commerce Committee has been announced on 29th March 2016.  The Executive Summary and Full Report of the survey are available on ACCCIM website (www.acccim.org.my) for reference.