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Talk on “Digital Event – Sharing Economy”

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Talk on “Digital Event – Sharing Economy”
The KLSCCCI is organising a talk on the sharing economy. Details as follows:
Date    :  22nd April 2017 (Saturday)
Time   :  9.30am to 12.00noon (light refreshment to start at 8.30am)
Venue            :  Credit Guarantee Corporation
    7th Floor, Bangunan CGC, Kelana Business Centre
    97, Jalan SS7/2,
    47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Entrance Fee : RM30 (Member) ; RM100 (Non-member)
Registration Closing Date : 17th April 2017 (Monday)
Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) is the strategic partner and this event is co-organised by Selangor & Federal Territory Machinery Merchants Association and The Selangor & Federal Territory Chinese Printing Presses’ Association; endorsed by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) and supported  by Cradle.
(i) Ms. Wan Khye Theng (Operations Manager for GrabCar and GrabTaxi of Grab Malaysia)
As the Operations Manager, her role is to oversee the day-to-day operations and growth of the GrabCar and GrabTaxi division.
Grab (formerly known as GrabTaxi) is a technology company that offers a wide range of ride-hailing and logistics services through its mobile app mainly in Southeast Asia, specifically in Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. As of July 2016, the number of drivers registered in its network was over 350,000, and the Grab app was downloaded onto more than 19 million mobile devices across Southeast Asia.
(ii) Mr. Nadhir Ashafiq (Co-Founder & Executive Director of TheLorry)
TheLorry, an on-demand logistics platform that connects customers to lorry, van and 4x4 drivers. He previously co-founded Glokalise, a social networking app and has experience working in air freight logistics and investment banking.
TheLorry.com is a fast and easy lorry, van and 4x4 vehicle booking platform. It provides services such as lorry transport, professional house moving, office moving and furniture disposal. TheLorry provides quotation in under 30 seconds. The price is fixed, transparent and affordable. TheLorry partners with reputable and experienced drivers to ensure that customers’ goods are transported safely and securely to its final destination.
For enquiries : (Tel) 03-42532135; (Fax) 03-42532524; (Email) 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。


kccci seminar

Overseas Community Affairs Council’s 2017 Training Programme for Running a Café
台湾侨务委员会将于2017年6月5日至16日举办上述研习班, 以协助商家研习复合式咖啡店相关专业知识及实作技术, 培训创业实力及提升经营事业能力。 课程内容包括微型创业基础课程、烹煮咖啡过程及相关器具操作、 经典点心制作以及实地观摩相关业者。
有意参加者年龄必须介于20岁至65岁,通晓中文, 从事咖啡相关事业或有创业及开展新商机的意愿者。 一个家庭或每间公司限定一人。
侨委会将承担参加者在台培训期间的午餐(不含晚餐及6月11日自 由活动日之午、晚餐)、课程教材、师资及场地等学、杂费。 参加者须自行承担往返交通费、膳宿及书籍等个人费用。
有兴趣者请在最迟2017年4月4日之前, 将填妥之报名表格及确认书提呈中总秘书处,以作处理。逾期呈交、 资料不符或不齐全者恕不处理。敬请各属会将有关讯息传达予相关会 员商家是盼。谨此函达。
Taiwan Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) will be organising the 2017 Training Programme for Running a Café from 5th to 16th June 2017 with the objectives to provide training on knowledge and practical skill of café business, enhance entrepreneurship ability and strengthen the business management capability. Programmes include micro entrepreneurship foundation course, coffee brewing methods and equipment, making of classic desserts and visit to relevant local companies.
Participants are those in café business related, or interested in developing new business opportunity, aged between 20 - 65 years old and have working knowledge in Mandarin. Each company and family can only send one participant.
OCAC will pay for lunches (excluded dinners, as well as lunch and dinner on 11th June 2017 the day of free programme on), course fee and administrative charges during the programme. Participants are required to pay for their own return air fare, accommodation, reading materials and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachments for brief introduction and registration form.
Interested members are required to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 4th April 2017 to facilitate arrangement.  Submission without complete information or late submission will not be attended. 


kccci seminar

China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Official Launching Ceremony
为全面建设’一带一路’战略为马来西亚开拓中国市场提供平台, 为马来西亚企业发展提供投资服务空间, 为中国与东盟经济一体深化合作提供平台, 为建设马来西亚城, 为马来西亚燕窝, 橡胶制品, 棕榈油, 清真食品等优势行业走进中国市场, 为中小企业提供便利适宜的投资环境。
本会将和广西中马钦州产业园区开发有限公司举办中马钦州产业园推 介会, 详情如下:
中马钦州产业园区位于广西钦州市南部,毗邻广西钦州保税港区、 国家级钦州港经济技术开发区, 是中马两国政府合作的第一个产业园区,是中马两国政府在中国- 东盟自由贸易区建成后双方进一步加强战略伙伴关系、 深化经贸投资合作、共创中国-东盟合作的示范项目,园区规划面积 55平方公里,规划人口50万人。2012年4月1日, 时任国务院总理温家宝与马来西亚总理纳吉布共同出席中马钦州产业 园区开园仪式。2014年11月10日,国家主席习近平、 国务院总理李克强分别会见马来西亚总理纳吉布,提出将钦州、 关丹产业园区打造成中马合作旗舰项目和中国-东盟合作示范区, 中国政府支持中马钦州产业园和马中关丹产业园建设, 鼓励中资企业赴马投资兴业。
中马钦州产业园区以打造中国-东盟合作的示范园区为目标, 着力建设‘先进制造基地,信息智慧走廊,文化生态新城, 合作交流窗口’。在中马两国政府的共同推动下, 在世界各国企业的积极参与下, 中马钦州产业园必将建设成为中国与东盟务实合作的新平台, 新动力,新亮点。
若有兴趣者,请联络本会秘书处 03-3343 9289
Download this file (Introduction.jpg)Introduction.jpg[ ]57 Kb
Download this file (Registration Form (1).pdf)Registration Form (1).pdf[ ]98 Kb


kccci seminar

Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) will be organising a “Seminar on How to Manage Risk of Non-Payment in High Risk Market as per the following date, time and venue:
Date          :           30 March 2017 (Thursday)
Time          :           9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue        :           Perdana Hall, Level 6, West Wing, Menara MATRADE, Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
2.         The objective of this seminar is to highlight the risks and challenges in export business such as uncertainties over receipt of payments and delivery of goods and services.
3.         This seminar is free of charge (FOC). Registration is strictly via online at http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/ training-registration.  The closing date for registration is on 28 March 2017. For technical registration matters, please contact Ms. Norshahida / M. Aidatul Marina at 03-6207 7812 / 03-6207 7864.


kccci seminar

中总署理总会长丹斯里拿督斯里林锦胜将于下列日期、时间、 地点接待到访的中国黑龙江省工商业联合会代表团:
            日期                            :29-3-2017(星期三)
            时间                            :上午10时30分
            地点                            :中总会议厅
            代表                            :黑龙江省工商业联合会副主席吴永久先生
            代表团成员人数          :3
            接待方式                     :交流
谨此诚邀您出席接待会。有关询问,请联络中总秘书处田启荣(电话 :603-4260 3090, 传真:603-4260 3080, 电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 )。

侨务委员会“2017 年新农业侨商企业家邀访团”

kccci seminar

侨务委员会“2017 年新农业侨商企业家邀访团”
Overseas Community Affairs Commission’s 2017 New Agriculture Overseas Compatriot Entrepreneurs Visiting Group
侨务委员会将于2017年6月12日至16日举办上述活动, 增进海外商家对台湾农业技术现况及优势的了解, 掌握台湾农业技术、农产品产业商机,促进交流与技术合作。 活动内容包括拜会台湾农业事务相关机构、参访农业生物科技园区、 企业交流及对接会等。
有意参加者必须是具有投资实力的海外侨商,通晓中文, 以及有意与台湾新农业产业合作或投资, 协助台湾相关产业拓销至海外市场者。每间公司限定一人。
侨委会将承担参加者在活动时的膳食、住宿、团体交通、 参访及保险费用。参加者须自行承担往返交通费及其他个人费用。
活动简介、报名表格、预定日程表及未来计划投资情形调查表请参阅 附件。
有兴趣者请在最迟2017年3月31日之前, 将填妥之报名表格及未来计划投资情形调查表提呈中总秘书处, 以作处理。逾期呈交、资料不符或不齐全者恕不处理。敬请各属会将 有关讯息传达予相关会员商家是盼。谨此函达。
Overseas Community Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2017 New Agriculture Overseas Compatriot Entrepreneurs Visiting Group from 12th to 16th June 2017 with the objectives to enhance understanding of overseas entrepreneurs on current technology and advantages of Taiwan agriculture, comprehend the technology and opportunities of agricultural products, and also to encourage interaction and technology collaboration. Activities include visit to Taiwan agricultural related institute, agricultural biotechnology park, interaction between entrepreneurs and business matching.
Participants are those potential overseas investors, aim to collaborate or invest to Taiwan new agriculture sector, assist related sector explore overseas market and well versed in Mandarin.  Each company can only send one participant.
OCAC will pay for meals during the activities, accommodation, group transportation fee, visit and insurance. Participants are required to pay for their return air fare and other own expenses.
Please refer to attachments for brief introduction, registration form, tentative programme and survey on future investment plan.
Interested members are required to return the duly completed registration form and the survey on future investment plan to ACCCIM Secretariat by 31st March 2017.  Submission without complete information or late submission will not be attended. 

World Food India 2017

kccci seminar

Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India is organising “World Food India, 2017”, a mega international food summit in New Delhi, during 3rd – 5th November, 2017.
2.      “World Food India 2017” is primarily aimed to show case the vast investment opportunities available in India for all food processing and food retail players including food processors, technology providers, & equipment manufacturers & suppliers, logistics providers, cold chain operators as also the food retailers. This would provide a platform to showcase, connect and collaborate with potential investors, suppliers, purchasers and also joint venture partners. All these activities are aimed at increasing mutual cooperation and foreign direct investment in this sector. Recently, Government of India has announced 100% FDI through automatic route in food processing and 100% FDI in retail trading of food products produced and/or manufactured in India.
3.      The event will have sectoral seminars, state seminars, country seminars, Business to Business (B2B) sessions, Business to Government (B2G) sessions, Government to Government (G2G) sessions, besides an exhibition wherein state pavilions, sectoral pavilions and company stalls would be put up. A unique world food street would be a special attraction wherein cuisines from India and world food with Indian ingredients would be on display.
4.      For further information, Shri. R. Pradeep Kumar, Principal Staff Officer, MoFPI, may be contacted directly at the following coordinates:
          Tel              : +9111- 2649 3225
          Fax             : +9111-2649 3012
          E-mail        : 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 / 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
          Website     : http://mofpi.nic.in/
5.      I shall be grateful if the above information is kindly disseminated and circulated to all members of your esteemed organization to enable them to participate in the said World Food India 2017. A line in confirmation to the undersigned, along with the list of members to whom the aforementioned information has been disseminated, will be highly appreciated.


kccci seminar

敬邀参加“食∙居龙江行— 一带一路国家饮食与家居企业交流对接会”
配合第4届中国-俄罗斯博览会(简称中俄博览会)暨第28届中国 哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会(简称哈洽会),中华全国工商业联合会 (简称全国工商联)及黑龙江省人民政府主办, 黑龙江省工商业联合会(简称黑龙江省工商联)、黑龙江省商务厅、 黑龙江省对俄经贸产业联合会承办之“食∙居龙江行— 一带一路国家饮食与家居企业交流对接会”订于2017年6月15 日至19日在哈尔滨市举行。
黑龙江省工商联和黑龙江省商务厅邀请中总联合主办上述对接会。 有鉴于此,中总将于2017年6月13日至20日, 筹组经贸代表团赴黑龙江省哈尔滨市,参会对接会, 并参观有关国际展会, 旨在加强中总与中国黑龙江省工商团体的联系, 为商家提供务实的对接平台和国际商机, 使马中投资与经贸合作更上一层楼。
“食∙居龙江行—一带一路国家饮食与家居企业交流对接会” 的规模为200人,其中中方100人,外方100人。 企业对接的主要行业为食品暨加工业、林业加工业以及家居业。 参会者将有机会和来自中国、俄罗斯、蒙古、 日本和韩国等国家地区的企业对接。本次对接会免费参加, 机会难逢。
中总欢迎商家踊跃报名参加上述对接会。 兹附上报名表格及暂定行程供参阅。为了方便承办单位有效对接, 敬请有兴趣参加的商家尽早向中总报名,以利跟进协调。 报名截止日期为2017年4月10日。
与此同时,主办单位也将安排省市地考察,有关考察路线详情、 中总代表团团费以及相关地接安排另行通知。
有关询问,请联络中总秘书处林丽珊(Lim Li Sang)或谢国荣(Sia Kok Eng),电话:+603-42603090, 或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 。谨此函达。
Download this file (Registration Form.doc)Registration Form.doc[ ]625 Kb
Download this file (Tentative Programme.pdf)Tentative Programme.pdf[ ]206 Kb

20170507 We Love Klang Run 2017

kccci seminar

We Love Klang Run 2017
Date: 7/5/2017
Venue: Stadium Padang Sultan Sulaiman,Klang
Collection Of Number Tag & T-Shirt
Date : 29th & 30th April 2017 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time : 10am – 6pm
Venue : KCCCI Hall Klang No 42A, Lebuh Enggang, 41050 Klang, Selangor
Contact : Ms Christine 012-359 0048 / Mr Chin Heng 019-314 1913
For further information, please don't hesitate to contact KCCCI Secretariat at 03-3343 9289.
For more details and design please stay tuned! We will update as soon as possible.
Download this file (WLKR 2017 Reg Form_220217 copy.pdf)WLKR 2017 Reg Form_220217 copy.pdf[ ]1022 Kb