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MCIL Digital Trends Forum 2017

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MCIL Multimedia will be hosting its first Digital Trends Forum 2017 as follow:
Forum Topics  :           资讯保安,预防灾骇
Safeguard Your Business Against Evolving Online Threats
Date                :           13th and 14th June 2017
Venue             :           Setia City Convention and Exhibition Centre, Shah Alam
The forum is tailored to embrace business and entrepreneurs on the awareness of latest and evolving digital threats impacting brands, business and services in the digital space.
ACCCIM has accepted the invitation as Premier Support Partner for this forum. As a support partner, MCIL Multimedia is offering an exclusive ticket price of RM212 ONLY (NP: RM636) to the first 50 ACCCIM’s members who purchase their tickets on or before 8th May 2017. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the two day event.
You may purchase your ticket(s) online through the MCIL Multimedia e-Commerce Portal (http://www.logon.my/1824.html ) at the exclusive price by entering the coupon code [DTF17_ACCCIM] (code is valid from 19th April – 8th May) at the checkout page. Kindly refer to the purchase guide attached for more information.
A special gift – Panda Antivirus Pro Box Set will be given to the purchasers of the first 100 tickets to the event
Download this file (Purchase Procedures_PromoCode.pdf)Purchase Procedures_PromoCode.pdf[ ]761 Kb


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世华多媒体及电子商务平台Logon(热购)将主办“ 大马股市投资策略与趋势论坛”,详情如下:
日期 :  2017年4月29日(星期六)
时间:  上午8时30分至傍晚5时30分
地点 :  Setia City Convention and Exhibition Centre, Shah Alam
论坛主旨是提升大马股市的投资知识和诀窍, 以及对投资教育的意义,希望能刺激大马市场, 从而提振股市市场交易量。 中总署理总会长丹斯里林锦胜将担任论坛的开幕嘉宾。 论坛是以中文为媒介语。
中总为论坛的协办单位。作为协办单位,中总会员将可以优惠价RM 140 (原价RM380)购买入场券。会员可通过Logon 平台 ( http://www.logon.my/1817.html ), 输入“ACCCIM140”的代码,以优惠价购得入场券。
We are pleased to forward here the ad visual for the Stock Market Investment Forum with a very special price offer to you.
This very special price is now RM140 only instead of the original RM380 per ticket. The overall discount is close to 63%.
For detail, kindly refer to the ad below.
If interested, you are kindly requested to LOGON to purchase online and key in the coupon code as  ACCCIM140  for the very special price benefit as stated.
You may visit LOGON – Stock Market Investment Forum ticket store @ http://www.logon.my/1817.html
Please note that this sales leaflet is for internal circulation only. i.e for your members only.
If you have any query or concern, please call me @ 019 3863880 or our senior manager, Mr Gan Beng Teck @ 019 2864139.
Download this file (leaflet.jpg)leaflet.jpg[ ]270 Kb


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The Platinum Business Awards 2017 was officially launched on the 11th April 2017, in Dorsett Grand Subang Hotel and officiated by YB Dato' Seri Hamzah bin Zainuddin, Minister, Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism, Malaysia.
Nominations are now opened until 15th July 2017
Award presentation will be on 13th October 2017
There are 21 categories of the Award to select from :
Award Categories奖项设置
A.  By Invitation (邀请)
1. Platinum Entrepreneur Award (企业家白金奖)
2. Outstanding Achievers Award (杰出成就奖)
3. ASEAN Enterprise Award (东盟杰出企业奖)
4. Top SME Supporter Award (中小企业忠诚伙伴奖)
B.By Nomination (提名)
5. SME Best Overall Award (中小企业卓越成就大奖)
6. SME Innovation Excellence Award (中小企业卓越创新奖)
7. SME Export Excellence Award(中小企业卓越出口奖)
8. SME ICT Adoption Award (中小企业资讯科技运用奖)
9. SME Women Entrepreneur Award (中小企业女企业家奖)
10. SME Phoenix Award (中小企业火凤凰奖)
11. SME Product Excellence Award (中小企业卓越产品奖)
12. SME Service Excellence Award (中小企业卓越服务奖)
13. SME Brand Excellence Award (中小企业卓越品牌奖)
14. SME Rising Star Award (中小企业明日之星奖)
15. SME Young Entrepreneur Award (中小企业卓越青年企业家奖)
16. SME Social Responsibility Excellence Award (中小企业卓越社会责任奖)
17. SME Green Excellence Award (中小企业卓越绿色奖)
18. SME Occupational Safety and Health Award (中小企业职业安全与健康奖)
19. SME Retail Excellence Award (中小企业卓越零售奖)
20. SME Employer Excellence Award (中小企业卓越雇主奖)
21. SME Internet of Things Excellence Award (中小企业卓越物联网奖)
Important Documents to submit ​by courier ​:
Completed Nomination Form
3 years Audited Accounts, 2014, 2015, 2016
Forms 24 & 49​, Organisation Chart​
Processing Fees : RM1,060.00​ payable to "SMI ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA"​
And any ​other ​relevant documents.
Winner Privileges
·         Received the prestigious Platinum Business Awards Trophy and Certificate
·         A feature in the Platinum Business Awards Facebook and the website of SME Association of Malaysia
·         Member in the exclusive SME Club with great opportunities to network with fellow Award winners through regular forums and get-together
·         Opportunity to be featured in TV series and newspapers
·         Opportunity to be promoted in the Awards coffee-table book
·         Privileged use of the Platinum Business Awards logo in your corporate collaterals and advertisements
·         Special rates for Award Winner’s Celebration package, which includes Gala Dinner table, advertisement in souvenir programme, write-up and advertisement in Media Partners Platinum Business Awards Congratulations Supplement
Feel free to contact us for any further inquiries​ and check out our Facebook & Website :
WEBSITE    : www.pbasme.com.my

2017 Sunsuria City Fest

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Sunsuria City Fest
You are cordially invite to join the Sunsuria City  FEST – The Grand Opening of Sunsuria City Celebration Centre to be held on Saturday 22nd April and Sunday 23rd April 2017 at Sunsuira City, Salak Tinggi, Putrajaya South, Sepang.
The e-invitation is enclosed for your reference.
For those who are interested, please log-on www.sunsuria.com to register.
Download this file (Sunsuria City Fest ( Chambers).jpg)Sunsuria City Fest ( Chambers).jpg[ ]450 Kb

巴生文遗节 2017

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巴生文遗节 2017
日期:6日5月2017年-7日5月2017年 (2天活动)
地点:Jalan Stesyen 1 
欲知更多详情请守住我们的面子书 :www.facebook.com/weloveklg
Driving there using Waze:
Waze: https://waze.to/lr/hw281k9bku
Driving there using Google maps:
Download this file (Klang Heritage Fest 2017.jpg)Klang Heritage Fest 2017.jpg[ ]117 Kb


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Seminar on ‘2016 New Companies Act’
主办单位   :巴生中华总商会
日期          :2017年5月20日
时间          :早上9时正至中午12时30分
地点          :巴生中华总商
会媒介语   :华语
报名费      :会员-RM30  非会员-RM50(含茶点)
索票处      :巴生中华总商会秘书处 03-33439289
Download this file (flyer.pdf)flyer.pdf[ ]303 Kb
Download this file (KCCCI Location Map.pdf)KCCCI Location Map.pdf[ ]123 Kb
Download this file (Registration Form (3).pdf)Registration Form (3).pdf[ ]205 Kb

Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2017 Roadshow - Klang

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Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2017 Roadshow - Klang (13/4/2017)
Download this file (award_roadshow_2017 v2.gif)award_roadshow_2017 v2.gif[ ]1750 Kb


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Invitation to Attend the Seminar on “Practical Legal Issues Facing SMEs”
中总和隆雪中总将于2017年4月25日(星期二),上午9时至 下午1时假中华总商会大厦成枫堂 (Ground Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur) 联办“中小型企业所面临之实际法律课题”讲座。 支持单位是马来西亚中小型企业协会及马来西亚连锁协会。
知识产权向来是大型企业的一项重要资产。 获知识产权正式保护的中小企业更有可能将生意扩展至国外市场、 加强竞争优势和市场占有率。Gan Partnership 的资深合伙人戴枫霖律师将与参加者分析“ 知识产权在中小型企业增长中所扮演的角色”。
中小企业在自身业务中需建立有效的循证管理制度, 以确保有效率及功效的进行债务重组。 蔡文洲肯律师楼的资深合伙人肯占士律师将为参加者讲解“ 有效债务重组”。
参加此讲座会,中总属会会员和团体会员之会员报名费为每人RM50;非会员报名费为每人RM100。 有缴交人力资源发展基金的参加者,可在SBL计划下申请回扣。 马来西亚律师公会的会员也可获得3个学分。
中总永久名誉会长、中央理事会成员、执行顾问、杰出会员、 团体会员会长(或1名代表)、委员会/工作组顾问及正副主任、 隆雪中总董事、中总和隆雪中总法律组全体组员入场免费。
讲座以英语为主要媒介语。兹附上讲座会报名表格和节目表供参阅。 敬请各属会和团体会员将信息传达予会员商家, 鼓励彼等踊跃出席为盼。
有关询问, 请联络中总秘书处林丽珊小姐或崔文静小姐或田启荣先生,电话:0 3-4260 3090 / 3091或电邮:registration@acccim. org.my。 谢谢!
ACCCIM and KLSCCCI will be jointly organising a Seminar on “Practical Legal Issues Facing SMEs” on 25th April 2017 (Tuesday), from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm at Seng Peng Hall, Wisma Chinese Chamber (Ground Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur). The supporting organisations are SME Association of Malaysia and Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA).
Intellectual Property (IP) has always been an important asset for big corporations. SMEs with formal IP protection are more likely to expand into foreign markets and give your business a competitive advantage by gaining market share. Mr. Tai Foong Lam, Senior Partner of Gan Partnership will enlighten participants on the “Role of IP in the growth of SMEs”.
SMEs must have an effective evidence-management system in own business to ensure the whole process of debt recovery is effective and efficient. Mr. Ken St. James, Senior Partner of Michael Chai Ken will share with participants on “Effective Debt Recovery”.
Registration fee for Members of ACCCIM Constituent Chambers and Members of ACCCIM Associate Members is RM50 per person; and for Non-Members, the fee is RM100 per person. HRDF members are entitled to claim under SBL Scheme. Members of Malaysian Bar Council will be awarded with 3 CPD Points.
ACCCIM Life Honorary Presidents, National Council Members, Executive Advisers, Eminent Members, President of Associate Members (or one representative), Advisers, Chairmen/Chairperson and Deputy Chairmen/Chairperson of Working Committees, KLSCCCI Council Members, All Members of ACCCIM and KLSCCCI Legal Affairs Committee are complimentary guests (FOC).
The seminar will be conducted in English. We are pleased to enclose the Registration Form and Programme for your reference. Constituent Chambers and Associate Members are requested to disseminate the information to your members so as to encourage participation.
Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact Ms. Lim Li Sang or Ms. Ivy Chooi or Mr. Kelvin Teng of the ACCCIM secretariat at Tel: 03-4260 3090 / 3091 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


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ACCCIM Delegation to Xiamen, China
[27.4.2017 – 29.4.2017]
中总总会长拿督戴良业将于2017年4月27日至29日率领中总 代表团赴中国厦门访问。 代表团宗旨是加强中总与中国厦门市相关政府单位与工商团体的联系 ,以及拓展马中投资与经贸合作。
双人房 RM4,280
单人房 RM4,880
费用含往返经济舱机票及机场税、2晚当地5星级酒店住宿( 含早餐)、4个正餐、旅游车、旅游保险、小费等。
兹附上报名表格及暂定行程以供参考。欲参加者请于2017年4月 10日前,将填妥表格及汇存/转账收据电邮中总秘书处。
有关询问,请联络中总秘书处陈秋錂女士,电话:+603- 42603090, 或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 。 谨此函达。
We are pleased to inform that Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM will be leading a delegation to Xiamen, China from 27th to 29th April 2017. The objectives of the delegation are to enhance the networking between ACCCIM and relevant government departments and trade associations in Xiamen Municipal as well as to promote bilateral trade and investment between Malaysia and China.
The participation fee is as follows:
Twin Sharing                  RM4,280
Single Room                  RM4,880
Fee inclusive of return economy class air tickets plus airport taxes, 2 nights hotel accommodation (local 5*) with daily breakfast, 4 meals, local ground transportation, travel insurance and tipping.
We enclose herewith the tentative programme and registration form for your refecence. Interested members are kindly requested to return the duly completed registration form with payment receipt via email to ACCCIM Secretariat latest by 10th April 2017.
For enquiries, please contact Mdm. Tan Chiew Ling of ACCCIM Secretariat at Tel: +603-42603090 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 . Thank you.