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1)   是否已在中国经商;
2)   寻求合作与联营的意愿

Market Development Grant (MDG) from MATRADE

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Please be informed that Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) has reintroduced the Market Development Grant (MDG), effective from 1 January 2018 onwards. 
For your information, company who wish to apply MDG, must registered as MATRADE member. Below is the MDG's link and new guidelines for your reference:

20180210 青年电商创业实战讲座会

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20180210 青年电商创业实战讲座会
日期:10/2/2018 (星期六)
时间:11am to 1pm
联络:03-33439289 (秘书处)
门票:RM50 (非会员) 
           RM30 (会员)
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1.     2017年5月, 中国国家主席习近平在“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛上宣布, 中国将从2018年起举办中国国际进口博览会。 此博览会是中国政府支持贸易自由化和经济全球化、 主动迈向世界开放市场的重大举措, 有利于促进世界各国加强经贸交流合作,促进全球贸易和经济成长, 推动开放型世界经济发展。
2.     由中华人民共和国商务部和上海市人民政府联合主办的第一届中国国 际进口博览会,定于2018年11月5日至10日, 在国家会展中心(上海)举行。 世界贸易组织及联合国工业发展组织等相关国际组织为合作单位, 中国国际进口博览局和国家会展中心(上海)为承办单位。 博览会展区总面积为24万平方米, 由国家贸易投资综合展区及企业商业展区组成。
3.     马来西亚政府已决定参展第一届中国国际进口博览会。 在我国国际贸易及工业部(MITI) 的认可下,马来西亚中华总商会(中总) 将召集并筹组大马企业参展“第一届中国国际进口博览会”, 在马来西亚国际贸易及工业部的旗帜下为中总会员商家提供国际投资 平台和机会,协助大马商家促销产品和服务到国际市场。
4.     马来西亚外贸促进局征收的每个标准展位价格是RM8,000. 00,符合条件的参加者,可申请市场开发援助金(MDG)。 
由于展位有限, 中总希望有意参展上述博览会的会员商家尽速向中总登记。 中总将另外收取相关行政及展位装置费用, 有关费用详情将另行通知。
·      智能及高端装备
·      旅游服务
·      消费电子及家电
·      新兴技术
·      汽车
·      文化教育
·      服装服饰及日用消费品
·      创意设计
·      食品及农产品
·      服务外包
·      医疗器械及医药保健
5.     配合上述博览会,中总也将组织采购商代表团,于2018年11月 5日至8日赴上海参与其盛。有关代表团详情将另行通知。
6.     敬请各属会及团体会员将上述信息转达会员商家。 有意参展或参加代表团的企业,请于2018年1月31日前, 将公司简介及负责人名片电邮至中总秘书处, 以利中总秘书处跟进及整理相关资料。
有关询问,请联络中总秘书处谢德权先生或谢国荣先生,电话:03 -42603090 / 3091;传真:03-42603080或电邮:iti@ acccim.org.my / 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 或微信号:FelixCT K85 / SiaKokEng。谢谢!
Invitation to Participate in the 1st China International Import Expo and
ACCCIM Delegation to Shanghai (5th to 10th November 2018 at Shanghai, China)
1.  In May 2017, HE Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China announced at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that with effect from 2018, China will be organizing China International Import Expo (CIIE). It is a significant move for the China Government to hold CIIE with a view of firmly supporting trade liberalization, economic globalization as well as actively opening the market to the world. It will facilitate countries all around the world to strengthen economic and trade cooperation, to promote global trade and economic growth in order to advance the development of an open world economy.
2.  Jointly hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, CIIE will be held from 5th to 10th November 2018 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). CIIE is supported by the World Trade Organization and United Nations Industrial Development Organization and etc., and co-organized by the China International Import Bureau and National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.. CIIE has a total area of 240,000m2 consisted of Country Pavilion for Trade and Investment and Enterprise & Business Exhibition.
3.  The Government of Malaysia has decided to participate in CIIE. As endorsed by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia (MITI), ACCCIM will gather Malaysian entrepreneurs to participate in the 1st CIIE under the umbrella of MITI with the objective to provide platform and opportunity for Malaysian companies to export their products and services internationally.
4.  MATRADE will charge RM8,000.00 per standard booth, eligible companies are entitled to claim their expenses for participating in the exhibition under Market Development Grant (MDG).
Due to the limited booths, ACCCIM urged companies that interested to participate in CIIE to register with ACCCIM as soon as possible. ACCCIM will impose a fee for administration expenses and enhanced booth installation, details of the fee will be informed in due course.
There are two sections of participation in CIIE which are trade in goods and services as below:
Trade in Goods:
Trade in Services:
·      High-end Intelligent Equipment
·      Tourism Services
·      Consumer Electronics & Appliances
·      Emerging Technologies
·      Automobile
·      Culture & Education
·      Apparel, Accessories & Consumer Goods
·      Creative Design
·      Food & Agricultural Products
·      Service Outsourcing
·      Medical Equipment & Medical Care Products
5.  In conjunction of this Expo, ACCCIM will also be organizing a buyer delegation to Shanghai from 5th to 8th November 2018. Details of the delegation will be informed later.
6.  Constituent Chambers and Associate Members are requested to disseminate the information to members so as to encourage participation. Companies that are interested to participate in CIIE or ACCCIM Delegation to Shanghai, kindly email or fax the company profile and name card of person in charge to ACCCIM Secretariat by 31st January 2018 for further arrangement.
For more information, please contact Mr. Felix Cheah or Mr. Sia Kok Eng of ACCCIM Secretariat at Tel: 03-4260 3090 Fax: 03-4260 3080 or Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 / 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 or Wechat: FelixCTK85 / SiaKokEng.

Invitation To The Malaysia Digital Economy Forum #MyDEF2018

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MATRADE in collaboration with MITI, MIDA, SMECorp and MDEC would like to invite your company to join the Malaysia Digital Economy Forum (#MyDEF2018). The Malaysia Digital Economy Forum with the theme of 'Transforming Businesses & Society through Digitization' projects the Government's efforts to reach out to the eCommerce players along the value chain on the importance of embracing digitalisation for their businesses to sustain themselves amid the challenging economic environment. 
MyDEF2018 will be held as follows:
Date     : 8 February 2018 (Thursday)
Time    : 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM
Venue : Perdana Hall, Level 1, MITI Tower ,Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 50480 
Objectives of MyDEF2018:
a. Heighten excitement and spur interest among stakeholders in our journey towards Malaysia's future digital economy;
b. Reach out to stakeholders including SMEs along the value chain on the importance and opportunities of digitization for businesses;
c. Increase awareness on recent trends, Government initiatives and private sector driven programmes to encourage greater participation in the digital economy, including eCommerce; and
d. Encourage more SME participation in cross-border eCommerce with an emphasis on exports into global markets.
Components of the Forum:
a. Panel discussions on digital transformation, the Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ), cashless society and cross-border eCommerce involving YB MITI Minister, CEO of MDEC and other distinguished speakers;
b. Exhibition booths by at least 40 Ministries, agencies and industry players along the eCommerce value-chain.
For RSVP : Please register your participation through the online registration as per link herewith (MyDEF2018)
For any enquiries, you can contact Mr. Syahmi Amri ( 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 | 03-6200 0290).


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Guidelines on the Implementation of Mechanisms to Determine Unreasonably High Profit
国內贸易、合作社与消费部已出版2016年价格控制与反暴利条例 之“实施鉴定不合理高利润机制指南”。
i.        http://www.kpdnkk.gov.my/ kpdnkk/pencatutan 及
ii.      http://ebook.kpdnkk.gov.my/ ebook/
The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism has published the “Guidelines on the Implementation of Mechanisms to Determine Unreasonably High Profit” under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Regulations 2016.
You may download the guidelines via the following links:
i.       http://www.kpdnkk.gov.my/ kpdnkk/pencatutan and
ii.     http://ebook.kpdnkk.gov.my/ ebook/

20180120 健康讲座会

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本会将于 2018年1月20日(星期六),上午10时正举办健康讲座会。
此讲座会邀请食疗师兼营养基因组学家Ms. Edna和The Laureate医学健康中心总监Ms. Jocelyn Chia为主讲嘉宾,向大家讲解 慢性病、健康预防及细胞再生的最新进展。
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Invitation to Attend “Malaysia-China SMEs Business Matching Conference 2018”
中华人民共和国驻马来西亚大使馆、 马来西亚中华总商会和马来西亚中国银行将于2018年2月5日( 星期一),上午9时30分至下午3时,假吉隆坡成功时代广场酒店 联合举办“2018年中马中小企业合作对接会”。
企业对接会,是促进企业及投资交流与合作的最佳平台。 中总与中国银行将利用双方在中国及马来西亚的合作网络, 宣传及鼓励华商和投资者到马来西亚,并与大马各族企业, 包括马来西亚马来人总商会、 马来西亚印度人总商会及马来西亚厂商公会等的会员商家安排企业对 接。企业对接重点领域如下:
i.           餐饮服务(含清真)
ii.          批发市场:建材,电子商务,商业地产开发
iii.        现代农业:水产养殖,水果、棕油、木薯、饲料等
iv.        绿色能源:光伏、液体天然气、水电站及上下游产业
v.         循环经济:废旧物品回收再加工
vi.        汽车零部件,机械设备
vii.      物流及园区开发
中国银行中国总行及各分行目前正在积极招募其客户参与, 其中已接获要求对接食品加工、汽车零件、 园林景观和树苗种植企业的要求。
中总和中国银行曾在2015年举办类似企业对接会, 成果令人满意。今年的企业对接会由中国驻马大使白天阁下发起, 并获得马来西亚首相的认可及支持, 并将为大会主持开幕及发表主题演讲。
近年来,中国实施创新驱动战略,中小企业获得新的发展活力,20 16年中国平均每天有1万5000家企业成立。 中国的中小企业具有很高的创新能力和技术水平, 且有强烈意愿与马来西亚在内的海外同行交流与合作。
中马两国中小企业加强对接,拓展贸易、投资、 技术等领域务实合作,有利于实现优势互补,共同发展, 在进一步促进两国经贸往来的同时,创造更多就业机会, 让合作成果更多惠及两国人民, 对双方经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。
相信此次对接洽谈活动,将为中马中小企业搭建“引进来、走出去” 的桥梁和纽带,使中小企业合作成为中马务实合作新亮点, 推动双边关系向更高水平迈进。
由于中国银行急需马来西亚参加者的企业资料, 以安排与中国的企业进行对接, 同时中国参加者也需要提前申请和处理来马的签证。因此, 敬请有意参与对接的商家,于2018年1月15日前, 将填妥的企业对接表格传至中总秘书处, 以利主办方根据参加者的投资意愿进行对接,加强企业对接的效益。 同时也希望大家广发有关信息, 鼓励更多有兴趣与中国企业合作的中小企业参与此活动。 主办单位将向每名参加者征收RM500(已含消费税)的费用。
兹附上有关企业对接会的暂定节目表、报名表格和企业对接信息表。 有关询问,请联系中总秘书处林丽珊或崔文静,电话:+603- 42603090 / 3091 / 3092 / 3093 或传真:+603-42603080 或电邮: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, and Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad will be jointly hosting the “Malaysia-China SMEs Business Matching Conference 2018” on 5th February 2018 (Monday), from 9.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. at Berjaya Times Square Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Business Matching session is an effective platform to facilitate business and investment interaction and cooperation.  ACCCIM and BOC will use our extensive networks in China and Malaysia to promote and encourage Chinese businesses and investors to come to Malaysia, and match-make them with local businesses irrespective of races including members of the Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (DPMM), Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI), Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) etc. The focus sectors for business matching are as followings:-
i.          Food & Beverages (inclusive Halal food)
ii.         Wholesale: Building Materials, e-Commerce, Commercial Property Development
iii.        Modern Agriculture: Aquaculture, Fruits, Oil Palm, Tapioca, Feed
iv.        Green Energy: Photovoltaic, Liquid Natural Gas, Hydropower Station. Upstream and Downstream industries 
v.         Recycle Industry: Recycling and Processing of Waste Materials
vi.        Auto Parts, Machinery and Equipment
vii.      Logistics and Industrial Park Development
Bank of China’s Headquarter and its branches in China are in the midst to encourage their customers to participate in the event and have received some enquiries on business matching with local Malaysian companies in food processing, auto parts, landscape and sapling plantation industry.
ACCCIM and Bank of China have jointly organised a similar Business Matching session in 2015 and the outcome was successful.  This Malaysia-China SMEs Business Matching Conference 2018 was initiated by H.E. Bai Tian, the Ambassador of China to Malaysia and supported by YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia who will officiate and deliver keynote address at the conference.
In recent years, China has implemented an innovation-driven strategy to promote entrepreneurship, and the development of SMEs is gaining a tremendous momentum. In 2016, an average of 15,000 enterprises were set up each day. Chinese SMEs have a high level of innovation and technical ability, many of which have strong will to cooperate with their counterparts overseas, including Malaysia.
To strengthen pragmatic cooperation between SMEs in China and Malaysia, in such fields as trade, investment and technology, is conducive in achieving complementarity and common development of our two countries. While further promoting economic and trade exchanges, this cooperation will surely help create more employment opportunities and benefit both peoples.
We believe this event will become an effective platform for SMEs in Malaysia and China to share their experiences and to seek cooperation opportunities. By joint efforts from both sides, we wish SMEs cooperation would become another new engine for the robust and ever growing China-Malaysia relations.
In order to facilitate arrangement for Business Matching, Bank of China urgently required the information of Malaysian enterprises that are interested to participate at the matchmaking, and at the same time, China businesses would need to apply visa to travel to Malaysia. In this connection, we hereby seek the co-operation of interested participants to return the duly completed Business Matching Registration Form to the ACCCIM secretariat before 15th January 2018.  It is also hope that you can disseminate the information to encourage more SMEs’ participation.  Registration fee for each participant is RM500 (GST inclusive).
We are pleased to enclose the Tentative Programme and Registration Form for your necessary action.  Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact Ms. Lim Li Sang or Ms. Ivy Chooi of the ACCCIM Secretariat at Tel: +603-42603090 / 3091 / 3092 or Fax: +603-42603080 or Email:  该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .

20180123 税务讲座会

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时间:6.30pm - 报到及茶点 7.30pm - 正式开始
地点:Merrida Hotel
报名费:会员 - RM50
非会员 - RM80
电话:03-33439289 / 03-33447361
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