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Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

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Website: https://www.hrdf.com.my

No Grant / Services Description Website
1 Employer Grant Schemes   http://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/
a Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) To assist employer to retrain and upgrade their employees in line with their operational and business requirements. https://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/skim-bantuan-latihan-sbl/
b Skim Bantuan Latihan Khas (SBL-Khas) To assist employer to retrain and upgrade their employees in line with their operational and business requirements. https://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/skim-bantuan-latihan-khas-sbl-khas/
c Skim Latihan Bersama (SLB) To assist employer to organise joint trainings with other registered employers and facilitated by either an in-house trainer or external trainer. https://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/skim-latihan-bersama-slb/
d Industrial Training Scheme (ITS) Targeted at trainees undergoing practical training at the premises of an employer premise before graduating. https://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/industrial-training-scheme/
e Future Workers Training (FWT)

To assist employer to employ talent who will be able to perform with minimum supervision.

To train future workers with the required skills and competencies before entering employment.

f On Job Training (OJT)

To encourage a skilled worker/supervisor to train and equip a new employee with relevant skills.

Transfer of skills, knowledge, and competencies that are needed for employees to perform a specific job within the workplace and work environment.

g Computer Based Training (CBT)

To enable employers to purchase / develop training software to retrain and upgrade the knowledge and skills of their workforce, especially for employers who are unable to release their employees to attend training outside company premises.

To assists employees in self-pace learning as well as flexible learning hours, training location and environment through the use of training software packages.

h Information Technology (IT) To encourage employers to further retrain their employees in the field of Information technology whereby financial assistance will be provided to them to purchase desktop or laptop, webcam and internet connection (for the first year only). https://www.hrdf.com.my/employer/hrdf-schemes/information-technology/
i Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

To enable workers to get recognition on their skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning according to the level determined by the Department of Skills Development (DSD).

To certify workers who do not have any formal certification but have obtained the relevant knowledge, experience and skills in the workplace based on their competency levels.

j Training Facilities and Renovation (ALAT)

To encourage more in-house retraining and skills upgrading of their employees by purchasing of training aids for the purpose of setting up, renovating or enhancing training rooms.

Setting up of a training room does not include the construction of a building, training centre or the rental of training rooms.

k RiSE4WRD for Industry4WRD Designed to support the national agenda in accelerating technology by providing a platform for SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) manufacturing companies and the related services that have participated in the Readiness Assessment (RA), a programme under the Industry4WRD initiative by Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI). Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 https://www.hrdf.com.my/rise4wrd/
2 PENJANA HRDF The HRDF new economic recovery initiative, PENJANA HRDF – Training Incentive Programme highlights how generating job opportunities and training play a critical part in Malaysia’s fight to get back on its feet in the wake of the COVID-19 peak on unemployment and employability issues. Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 https://penjanahrdf.com.my/


最后更新于: 2021-04-08 03:42