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巴生港口 Port Klang

巴生港口 Port Klang

Port Klang which comprise of West Port, North Port and South Port, is the largest marine port in the country and is ranked 13th largest in the world.

西港是最新发展的现代化港口,位于英达岛并建有自由贸易区和清真食品中心,是投资焦点。 北港占地面积248公顷,拥有18个码头;至于南港则占地48公顷,主要提供西马与东马之间的本地船运服务。

West Port situated at Pulau Indah, is the largest developed modern port. With a Free Trade Zone and a Halal Food Hub, it is an ideal place for investment. North Port,built on a 248 hectare land with 18 berths is for container ships;whereas South Port, built on a 48 hectare land, offer service primariry to the domestic marine transport between East and West Malaysia.