
kccci service 350

Supporting letter for APEC Business travel card

APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card简称APEC卡或ABTC)旨在便利APEC范围内各经济体的商务人员往来。


公司主要负责人 (如: 执行董事,董事经理,主席或首席执行员)

1. APEC商务旅行卡申请表格正本(须附上护照尺寸照片)
2. 护照副本(首页,护照有效期需3.5年或以上)
3. 身份证副本(前&后)
4. 公司信函(分别致予巴生中华总商会、马来西亚中华总商会及移民厅),请参阅信函样本
5. SSM提供公司最新资料
6. 公司及工作职位简介、公司组织结构图,用以证明个人/公司业务需经常往来亚太平洋地区
7. 申请者护照内页副本,印有进出国家的盖章,以证明该申请者频繁旅行(至少在1年内曾有至少5次记录去过其中19个的APEC国家)
8. 每份申请需缴交RM70.00的支票
(a) RM35.00的费用(支票抬头请志明“The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia”)
(b) RM35.00的费用(支票抬头请志明“Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry”)





Immigration Department of Malaysia Website (APEC Card):http://www.imi.gov.my/index.php/en/travel-documents/apec-business-travel-card


The APEC Business Travel Card was initiated by the Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation (APEC) to assist the business community who has trade relations within the APEC member countries.

APEC is an organization that formed in 1989 in creating wider economic cooperation in Asian Pacific region. There are 19 countries in the organization that are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Conditions of the applicant:
Chief Executive Officer , Chief Operating Officer , Chief Financial Officer , Chairman / President,Managing Director / Executive Director, Director, General Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Branding Manager, Business Development Manager, Export / Import / Procurement Manager

All applicants are required to provide the following documents:
1. original completed APEC Business Travel Card Application Form (Attach with passport size photo)
2. a photocopy of Malaysian Passport (Front Page, more than 3.5 years validity)
3. a photocopy of applicant’s IC (front and back)
4. company’s supporting letter to KCCCI, ACCCIM, IMI, please refer sample letter
5. latest print out of Corporate Information of Companies Commission of Malaysia (Corporate Information)
6. Applicant’s Company Letter for APEC Card Application - Company’s profile, Job’s Description and Company Organization Chart
7. Copy of applicant’s ALL PASSPORT INSIDE PAGES that have been STAMPED as proof of frequent travel (at least 5 times within a year to any 19 APEC economies)
8. A fee of RM70.00 per application via cheque
(a) RM 35.00 – The Associated Chinese Chambers Of Commerce and Industry Of Malaysia
(b) RM 35.00 – Klang Chinese Chamber Of Commerce and Industry

Note: Please submit company brochure & SSM for each applicant if you have more than one applicant.

Besides the above documents, applicants also have to prepare ONE (1) sets of photocopy of the above document (1) to (6) to KCCCI.

ACCCIM will collectively submit the ABTC applications from Constituent Chambers and dispatch to Immigration Department, get the reference number issued by immigration and e-mail to constituent chambers/ applicants. ACCCIM will send respective reminders to constituent chambers/applicants to check ABTC status after 3 months from the date of submission to immigration.

Processing Time is 4-6 months depending on the approval given by member countries through the ABTC System (online).

For further detail, please go to the below link:
>> Immigration Department of Malaysia Website (APEC Card)

For any clarification needed, please contact us at 03-3343 9289.