
kccci seminar 350

光华日报连续7 年获得中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会(简称“文博会”)授权为马来西亚区域承办单位。Once again, We, Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad is honored for being appointed by the Chinese organizer of ICIF 2012 as their Malaysia Regional Co-organizer for the seventh years since 2006.


光华日报连续7年获得中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会(简称“文博会”)授权为马来西亚区域承办单位。第八届文博会即将在2012 年5 月18 日至21 日在中国深圳会展中心盛大举行。

文博会,每年5 月中旬在深圳举行。文博会特设了9 大展馆,提供给海内外政府单位,知名商家,社团组织,,文化艺术专才等参与展出。文博会按照“国际化、专业化、市场化、规范化、精品化”的办展思路,以拉动中国文化产业发展,推动中国文化产品和服务出口为目标,是中国唯一通过UFI 认证的综合性文化产业博览交易会,是被列入《国家“十一五”时期文化发展规划纲要》的国家八大重点文化展会之一。深圳文博会声称全中国最大型、最具规模的国际性文化产业博览会,是一个很好的展示舞台。深圳文博 会自2004 年创设以来,展会规模不断扩大。

本报连续3 年在文博会当中荣获优秀组织奖及优秀展示奖。根据统计,去年文博会共吸引观众达389 万人次,其中专业观众55 万人次,同比增加28.83%。去年文博会期间,超过300 家境内外媒体1300 多名记者参与报导。海外媒体220 多名记者参会报导,其中包括100 多人的华人媒体 团队。

基于展位有限,光华日报必须经过一番严谨地筛选,以在众多商家社团中选出具有代表性的马来西亚文化产业的商团。仅此,建议面谈洽商此事。 文博会(马来西亚展位)资料:
日期:2012 年5 月18 日–21 日(周五至周一)
时间:早上11.00 至傍晚5.30(2012 年5 月18 日)
早上8.30 至傍晚9.00(2012 年5 月19 日&20 日)
早上8.30 至晚上5.30(2012 年5 月21)
* 达至389 万观众的宣传效果
* 开发国际市场的平台
* 让您的公司提高更显著地业务增进
* 通过国家级、国际性的交易平台推介马来西亚特色产品

(a) 多项国家高度关注的展馆节目,如:产品介绍、产品示范等
(b) 开幕典礼,由国家权威领袖出席
(c) 海内外传统及艺术组织表演项目
(d) 海内外媒体现场报道
(e) 专业奖项现场颁奖礼(如优秀组织奖,优秀展示奖等)


第八届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会参展详情配套1: (a) 展费2,000 美金
(b) 独立展位9m2
(c) 一篇全版彩色广告刊登在马来西亚资讯录
(d) 光华日报国内免费宣传特写

(a) 2,000 令吉
(b) 提供位子现场派发传单或宣传海报
(c) 光华日报国内免费宣传特写欲知详情,请电话或电邮联络:
(1) Mr. Ong Soon Hooi 017 330 8871 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
(2) Ms. Yap Cheng Siew 019 472 8113 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
(3) Kwong Wah Marketing Sdn Bhd 04 261 2312(Ext: 313)
最后,希望贵公司可以尽快地与我们联系以安排面谈洽商的日期。您的参与将使您的品牌在第八届中国(深圳) 国际文化产业博览交易会中增添色彩。


Warmest welcome from Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad!

Once again, We, Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad is honored for being appointed by the Chinese organizer of ICIF 2012 as their Malaysia Regional Co-organizer for the seventh years since 2006. The ICIF 2012 will take place in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, China from 18th to 21st May, 2012.

The ICIF 2011 was a wonderful success, having attracted a total audience of 3.89 million, including over half a million professional visitors, representing an increase of 28.83% on a year-on-year basis. The event was covered and reported by close to 1,300 journalists from over 300 local and foreign media entities. In particular, more than 220 journalists from overseas media are including those from countries such as America, Spain and Japan. Of these, over 100 journalists are from the Chinese media from the greater China, Hong Kong and Taiwan region.

ICIF has galvanized international attention and it was elected as one of the top 10 Cultural Industry Fairs in China. In addition, Kwong Wah Yit Poh has been awarded the best organizer and the best team continuously for three years since 2008, a testament of our active involvement and successful coordinating efforts.

Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad is tasked to select reputable companies which are able to represent Malaysia to participate in ICIF2012. We have vetted through and found your esteemed entity to fulfill the requirements. With this, I propose that we set up a meeting for our representative to meet your in person.

Please refer to the ensuing for the salient information of the ICIF 2012, which we prepared to give you an quick overview of the event. We hope to see you to explain the opportunity to you. Features of ICIF 2012 for Malaysia Hall:
Date : 18th to 21st May, 2012 (Friday to Monday)
Time : 11.00 hrs to 17.30hrs (18th May 2012)
8.30 hrs to 21.00hrs (19th & 20th May 2012)
8.30 hrs to 17.30hrs (21st May 2012)
Venue : Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, China
Theme : Malaysia Hall – < The Enchanting City of Malaysia >

Advantages through exhibition:
* gain exposure to over 3.89 million attendees
* a platform to outreach to global market
* get instant enhancement of your global presence and reach
* trade platform to recommend the unique in Malaysia

Support Activities at ICIF 2012
* Pavilion Day Activities of Countries Concerned
* Grand Opening Ceremony
* Cultural and Art performances from China and foreign countries
* Press Release by domestic and overseas media
* Presentation of professional awards (The Best organizing award, The Best Exhibition Award etc )

We would like to take this opportunity to seek your support to be involved in the exhibition of the 8th ICIF.

We will provide our warm-hearted and attentive services at all times. How to participate in ICIF 2012?

Package 1:
(a) USD 2,000.00
(b) Carpeted booth at individual design with the size of 9m2
(c) 01 table, 02 chairs, 02 spot lights, 01 partition board, and 01 power point will be provided
(d) 01 color advertisement will be inserted in KWYP Business Directory
(e) Special write-up with FREE publicity in Kwong Wah Chinese Daily

Package 2:
(a) RM 2,000.00
(b) Company / Institution flyers, leaflets, bulletins or other materials will be distributed at 8th ICIF
(c) Special write-up with FREE publicity in Kwong Wah Chinese Daily

Should there be any further inquiries, please immediately contact or email:
(1) Mr. Ong Soon Hooi 017 330 8871 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
(2) Ms. Yap Cheng Siew 019 472 8113 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
(3) Kwong Wah Marketing Sdn Bhd 04 261 2312(Ext: 313)

Thank you. Your immediate attention and favorable reply will be very much appreciated.

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Download this file (参展信息登记表2012_0002.pdf)参展信息登记表2012_0002.pdf[参展信息登记表 2]157 Kb
Download this file (参展信息登记表2012_0003.pdf)参展信息登记表2012_0003.pdf[参展信息登记表 3]119 Kb