
kccci seminar

Overseas Community Affairs Council’s 2017 E-Stores and Online Marketing Training Programme
侨务委员会将于2017年9月4日至9月15日举办上述进阶班, 以协助商家研习适合于海外经营与创业的网络店面行销专业知识及技 能,提升经营事业能力及培植创业实力, 并促进与台湾业者的商机交流。课程内容包括网络开店实务、 行销策略运用、实际案例分析、邀请业者进行经验分享, 并安排参访观摩台湾相关企业。
有意参加者年龄必须介于20岁至65岁,通晓中文, 熟悉网络环境,目前从事网络店面行销相关工作者, 有意创业或开展新商机者。一个家庭或每间公司限定一人。
侨委会将承担参加者在台培训期间的午餐(不含晚餐及9月10日自 由活动日之午餐)、课程教材、师资及场地等学杂费。 参加者须自行承担膳宿、往返交通费及其他个人费用。
有兴趣者请在最迟2017年7月1日之前, 将填妥之报名表格及确认书提呈中总秘书处,以作处理。逾期呈交、 资料不符或不齐全者恕不处理。敬请各属会将有关讯息传达予相关会 员商家是盼。谨此函达。
Overseas Community Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2017 E-Stores and Online Marketing Training Programme from 4th to 15th September 2017. The objectives of the course are to assist entrepreneurs to learn professional knowledge and skill for starting up or operating E-store in overseas, to enhance business management capability and to cultivate entrepreneurship ability, as well as to encourage the interaction with Taiwanese industries. Programmes include E-Stores practical, application of marketing strategy, case study, experience sharing by entrepreneurs and site visit to the related companies in Taiwan.
Participants are those familiar with online environment, current working in the related field, interested in starting up or developing new business opportunities, aged between 20 - 65 years old and well versed in Mandarin.  Each company and family can only send one participant.
OCAC will pay for lunches (excluded dinners and lunch during free programme on 10th September), course fee and administrative charges during the programme. Participants are required to pay for their own meals and accommodation, return air fare and other own expenses. 
Please refer to attachments for brief introduction, registration form and confirmation form.
Interested members are required to return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat by 1st July 2017.  Submission without complete information or late submission will not be attended.