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侨务委员会“2017 年新农业侨商企业家邀访团”

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侨务委员会“2017 年新农业侨商企业家邀访团”
Overseas Community Affairs Commission’s 2017 New Agriculture Overseas Compatriot Entrepreneurs Visiting Group
侨务委员会将于2017年6月12日至16日举办上述活动, 增进海外商家对台湾农业技术现况及优势的了解, 掌握台湾农业技术、农产品产业商机,促进交流与技术合作。 活动内容包括拜会台湾农业事务相关机构、参访农业生物科技园区、 企业交流及对接会等。
有意参加者必须是具有投资实力的海外侨商,通晓中文, 以及有意与台湾新农业产业合作或投资, 协助台湾相关产业拓销至海外市场者。每间公司限定一人。
侨委会将承担参加者在活动时的膳食、住宿、团体交通、 参访及保险费用。参加者须自行承担往返交通费及其他个人费用。
活动简介、报名表格、预定日程表及未来计划投资情形调查表请参阅 附件。
有兴趣者请在最迟2017年3月31日之前, 将填妥之报名表格及未来计划投资情形调查表提呈中总秘书处, 以作处理。逾期呈交、资料不符或不齐全者恕不处理。敬请各属会将 有关讯息传达予相关会员商家是盼。谨此函达。
Overseas Community Affairs Commission (OCAC) will be organising the 2017 New Agriculture Overseas Compatriot Entrepreneurs Visiting Group from 12th to 16th June 2017 with the objectives to enhance understanding of overseas entrepreneurs on current technology and advantages of Taiwan agriculture, comprehend the technology and opportunities of agricultural products, and also to encourage interaction and technology collaboration. Activities include visit to Taiwan agricultural related institute, agricultural biotechnology park, interaction between entrepreneurs and business matching.
Participants are those potential overseas investors, aim to collaborate or invest to Taiwan new agriculture sector, assist related sector explore overseas market and well versed in Mandarin.  Each company can only send one participant.
OCAC will pay for meals during the activities, accommodation, group transportation fee, visit and insurance. Participants are required to pay for their return air fare and other own expenses.
Please refer to attachments for brief introduction, registration form, tentative programme and survey on future investment plan.
Interested members are required to return the duly completed registration form and the survey on future investment plan to ACCCIM Secretariat by 31st March 2017.  Submission without complete information or late submission will not be attended.